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Part # CJ70-47
Category Microcircuit
Availability Out of Stock
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1 + $24.36241

Technical Document

DISCLAIMER: The information provided herein is solely for informational purposes. Customers must be aware of the suitability of this product for their application, and consider that variable factors such as Manufacturer, Product Category, Date Codes, Pictures and Descriptions may differ from available inventory.

Trompeter offers a broad line of connectors manufactured to
meet or exceed the Mil-Specs governing twinax connectors. In
fact, Mil-PRF-49142 was created from the Trompeter concentric
twinax/triax connector design.
The following information reects the specication requirements
for each family of connectors in both twinax and triax applications.
Use this chart to determine the proper connector type to be used
in your application, based on the environment and electrical
requirements of your design. Trompeter’s technical support team
is available to answer any specication questions you may have.
* Specications are minimum unless otherwise stated. Trompeter connectors are designed to exceed all minimum specications.
70 Series 80 Series 150 Series 450 Series
Characteristic Requirements TRB/TRT TRC/TRN TRS/TTM TCS
Nominal Impedance Non-constant Non-constant Non-constant Non-constant
Frequency Range 0-500 MHz 0-500 MHz 0-500 MHz 0-2 MHz
Voltage Rating (max.) @ sea level 400 VRMS 500 VRMS 400 VRMS 900 VRMS
Voltage Rating (max.) @ 70,000 ft. 100 VRMS 125 VRMS 100 VRMS N/A
Insulation Resistance 5000 MΩ 5000 MΩ 5000 MΩ 5000 MΩ
Dielectric Withstanding Voltage 1200 VRMS 1500 VRMS 1200 VRMS 900 VAC
(between center cond. & inter. cond.)
Dielectric Withstanding Voltage 500 VRMS 500 VRMS 500 VRMS 900 VAC
(between inter. cond. & outer cond.)
RF High Potential Withstanding Voltage 800 VRMS 1000 VRMS 500 VRMS 900 VAC @ 60 Hz
(between center cond. & inter. cond.)
RF High Potential Withstanding Voltage 200 VRMS 350 VRMS 125 VRMS N/A
(between inter. & outer cond.) @ 5-7.5 MHz @ 5-7.5 MHz
Specications continued on page 3...
MIL-Spec Triax
Bayonet Typi-
cal Lug Count
Equivalent Coax
TRB 70 3 Yes Normal BNC
TRC 80 2 Yes Reverse N
TRS 150 3 Yes Normal M-BNC
1553 450 3 Yes Either n/a
The following is the latest list from the
MIL-STD-1553B supply:
Trompeter Number:
MIL-STD-1553B Data Bus General Specifications Guide
Twinax/Triax Connectors / Specifications
* Specications are minimum unless otherwise stated. Trompeter connectors are designed to exceed all minimum specications.
MIL-STD-1553B Data Bus General Specifications Guide (cont’d)
Twinax/Triax Connectors / Specifications Twinax/Triax Connectors / Specifications
70 Series 80 Series 150 Series 450 Series
Characteristic Requirements TRB/TRT TRC/TRN TRS/TTM TCS
Corona Level (min.) 200 VRMS 375 VRMS 125 VRMS 250 VAC
@ 70,000 ft. @ 70,000 ft. @ 70,000 ft. @ 50,000 ft.
Rise Time Degradation (max.) 400 rs N/A 800 ps 800 ps
Permeability of Nonmagnetic Material <2.0 mu except hermetic versions
Hermetic Seal <1 x 10-8 cc/sec N/A <1 x 10-6 cc/sec N/A
(Where Applicable)
Connector Durability 500 cycles minimum @ 12 cycles per minute max.
Temperature Range -65° to +165°C -65° to +165°C -65° to +200°C -65° to 125°C
Force to Engage and Disengage
Longitudinal (max.) 4 pounds 5 pounds 4 pounds 3 pounds
Torque (max.) 2.5 inch-pounds 4 inch-pounds 2.5 inch-pounds 2.5 inch-pounds
Center Contact Retention
Axial Force (min.)
Plug 6 pounds 6 pounds 4 pounds 6 pounds
Jack 6 pounds 6 pounds 2 pounds 6 pounds
Coupling Proof Torque
(Threaded types only) 15 inch-pounds 15 inch-pounds 10 inch-pounds N/A
Coupling Mechanism Retention Force 100 pounds 100 pounds 70 pounds 100 pounds
Cable Retention Force (min.) 40 pounds 65 pounds 40 pounds 40 pounds
.200-.325 inch .242-.419 inch .120-.215 inch .120-.180 inch
cable OD cable OD cable OD cable OD
Salt Spray (corrosion) 48 hrs minimum exposure (Standard nickel plating)
500 hrs minimum available (Call customer service for plating types). Standard for 450 Series.
Moisture Resistance (10 cycles) Total 240 hour minimum exposure
Thermal Shock (5 cycles) Total 5 hours 50 minutes min -65°C to +85°C -65°C to +125°C
(No physical damage/Pass DWV)
Specied Shock (sawtooth waveform, No discontinuity allowed. Velocity-change of shock pulse 10% of ideal value
within peak - 50g’s, duration -11ms)
Vibration, High-frequency (36 cycles) Total 12 hour minimum. No physical damage or loosening of parts.
(15g peak, 10-2000 Hz-10Hz in 20 minutes) No discontinuity allowed.
Signals require protection from extraneous noise through non-
signal carrying shielding. These interfacing connectors must
provide contact surfaces isolated from each other, as well as from
the outer shield. Trompeter twinaxial/triaxial connectors are
designed with two (2) concentric contacts that are isolated from
each other and the shielding connection.
All metallic parts are machined/formed to extremely close
All bodies are made of top quality brass with bright nickel-
plated non-tarnish finish
Fully enclosed, heat-treated, beryllium-copper outer
conductor spring (not half hard slotted brass)
Heat-treated, beryllium-copper center socket contact with 50
millionths inch gold plating
These concentric twinax/triax connectors are ideal for applications
where weight is not a primary concern. They are commonly used
in digital data bus, video pair, MIL-STD-1553B (airborne/ground,
primary/redundant), base-band circuit and any application for
“noise-free guarded” circuits.
Same size as BNC/TNC connectors. Large body versions are
available to accommodate larger cables
Field serviceable, wrench crimp versions for cables with up to
.475” outer diameters
Tool crimp versions for quick termination of cables with up to
.250” outer diameters
3-lug, 4-lug, and threaded versions provide different levels of
mechanical stability and keying
Does not require mechanical alignment for mating.
QPL to MIL-C-49142 (see list on page 5)
Meets MIL-C-49142, 48-hour salt spray requirement
Special plating available to satisfy MIL-STD-1344, 500-hour
salt spray requirement
Push-on versions for test cable applications
Fewer pieces to assemble
Hermetically sealed versions are available (page 16)
70 Series
Miniature 2, 3, 4–lug, and Push-on (TRB)
370 Series
Miniature Threaded (TRT)
(70 Series shown below)
Built to Last
Premium Quality
Superior Mechanical Performance
Rugged Physical Properties
Extreme Reliability
Twinax/Triax Connectors