Freelance Electronics Components Distributor
Closed Dec 25th-26th
We Stock Hard to Find Parts


Part # DP83847ALQA56A
Category IC
Availability In Stock
Qty 4
Qty Price
1 + $3.29619
Manufacturer Available Qty
National Semiconductor Corp
  • Shipping Freelance Stock: 4
    Ships Immediately

Technical Document

DISCLAIMER: The information provided herein is solely for informational purposes. Customers must be aware of the suitability of this product for their application, and consider that variable factors such as Manufacturer, Product Category, Date Codes, Pictures and Descriptions may differ from available inventory.

1.2 10 Mb/s and 100 Mb/s PMD Interface
O, PU/PD 26, 27, 29,
RECEIVE DATA: Nibble wide receive data (synchronous to cor-
responding RX_CLK, 25 MHz for 100BASE-TX mode, 2.5 MHz
for 10BASE-T nibble mode). Data is driven on the falling edge of
RX_CLK. RXD[2] has an internal pull-down resistor. The remain-
ing RXD pins have pull-ups.
S, O, PU 33 RECEIVE ERROR: Asserted high to indicate that an invalid sym-
bol has been detected within a received packet in 100BASE-TX
RX_DV O 31 RECEIVE DATA VALID: Asserted high to indicate that valid data
is present on the corresponding RXD[3:0] for nibble mode. Data
is driven on the falling edge of the corresponding RX_CLK.
Signal Name Type LLP Pin # Description
Signal Name Type LLP Pin # Description
TD+, TD- O 10, 11 Differential common driver transmit output. These differential out-
puts are configurable to either 10BASE-T or 100BASE-TX signal-
The DP83847 will automatically configure the common driver out-
puts for the proper signal type as a result of either forced config-
uration or Auto-Negotiation.
RD-, RD+ I 6, 7 Differential receive input. These differential inputs can be config-
ured to accept either 100BASE-TX or 10BASE-T signaling.
The DP83847 will automatically configure the receive inputs to
accept the proper signal type as a result of either forced configu-
ration or Auto-Negotiation.
1.3 Clock Interface
1.4 Special Connections
1.5 LED Interface
Signal Name Type LLP Pin # Description
X1 I 49 REFERENCE CLOCK INPUT 25 MHz: This pin is the primary
clock reference input for the DP83847 and must be connected to
a 25 MHz 0.005% (±50 ppm) clock source. The DP83847 sup-
ports CMOS-level oscillator sources.
X2 O 48 REFERENCE CLOCK OUTPUT 25 MHz: This pin is the primary
clock reference output.
Signal Name Type LLP Pin # Description
RBIAS I 3 Bias Resistor Connection. A 10.0 kΩ 1% resistor should be con-
nected from RBIAS to GND.
C1 O 42 Reference Bypass Regulator. Parallel caps, 10µ F (Tantalum pre-
ferred) and .1µF, should be placed close to C1 and connected to
GND. See Section 3.8 for proper placement.
RESERVED I/O 1, 2, 4, 5, 8,
9, 12, 13,
34, 44, 47,
50, 51, 52,
53, 54, 55,
RESERVED: These pins must be left unconnected
Signal Name Type LLP Pin # Description
LED_DPLX/PHYAD0 S, O 23 FULL DUPLEX LED STATUS: Indicates Full-Duplex status.
LED_COL/PHYAD1 S, O 22 COLLISION LED STATUS: Indicates Collision activity in Half Du-
plex mode.
LED_GDLNK/PHYAD2 S, O 21 GOOD LINK LED STATUS: Indicates Good Link Status for
10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX.
LED_TX/PHYAD3 S, O 20 TRANSMIT LED STATUS: Indicates transmit activity. LED is on
for activity, off for no activity.
LED_RX/PHYAD4 S, O 19 RECEIVE LED STATUS: Indicates receive activity. LED is on for
activity, off for no activity.
LED_SPEED O 18 SPEED LED STATUS: Indicates link speed; high for 100 Mb/s,
low for 10 Mb/s.
1.6 Strapping Options/Dual Purpose Pins
A 5 k resistor should be used for pull-down or pull-up to
change the default strap option. If the default option is
required, then there is no need for external pull-up or pull
down resistors, since the internal pull-up or pull down resis-
tors will set the default value. Please note that the
PHYAD[0:4] pins have no internal pull-ups or pull-downs
and they must be strapped. Since these pins may have
alternate functions after reset is deasserted, they should
not be connected directly to Vcc or GND.
Signal Name Type LLP Pin # Description
S, O 23
PHY ADDRESS [4:0]: The DP83847 provides five PHY address
pins, the state of which are latched into the PHYCTRL register at
system Hardware-Reset.
The DP83847 supports PHY Address strapping values 0
(<00000>) through 31 (<11111>). PHY Address 0 puts the part
into the MII Isolate Mode. The MII isolate mode must be selected
by strapping Phy Address 0; changing to Address 0 by register
write will not put the Phy in the MII isolate mode.
The status of these pins are latched into the PHY Control Register
during Hardware-Reset. (Please note these pins have no internal
pull-up or pull-down resistors and they must be strapped high or
low using 5 kresistors.)
S, O, PU 17
Auto-Negotiation Enable: When high enables Auto-Negotiation
with the capability set by ANO and AN1 pins. When low, puts the
part into Forced Mode with the capability set by AN0 and AN1
AN0 / AN1: These input pins control the forced or advertised op-
erating mode of the DP83847 according to the following table.
The value on these pins is set by connecting the input pins to
GND (0) or V
(1) through 5 kresistors. These pins should
NEVER be connected directly to GND or V
The value set at this input is latched into the DP83847 at Hard-
The float/pull-down status of these pins are latched into the Basic
Mode Control Register and the Auto_Negotiation Advertisement
Register during Hardware-Reset. After reset is deasserted, these
pins may switch to outputs so if pull-ups or pull-downs are imple-
mented, they should be pulled through a 5 kresistor.
The default is 111 since these pins have pull-ups.
AN_EN AN1 AN0 Forced Mode
0 0 0 10BASE-T, Half-Duplex
0 0 1 10BASE-T, Full-Duplex
0 1 0 100BASE-TX, Half-Duplex
0 1 1 100BASE-TX, Full-Duplex
AN_EN AN1 AN0 Advertised Mode
1 0 0 10BASE-T, Half/Full-Duplex
1 0 1 100BASE-TX, Half/Full-Duplex
1 1 0 10BASE-T Half-Duplex
100BASE-TX, Half-Duplex
1 1 1 10BASE-T, Half/Full-Duplex
100BASE-TX, Half/Full-Duplex