38 www.national.com
This counter provides information required to implement the “FalseCarriers” attribute within the MAU managed object
class of Clause 30 of the IEEE 802.3u specification.
7 RESERVED 0, RO RESERVED: Writes ignored, Read as 0.
6 Remote Fault 0, RO Remote Fault:
1 = Remote Fault condition detected (cleared on read of BMSR (ad-
dress 01h) register or by reset). Fault criteria: notification from Link
Partner of Remote Fault via Auto-Negotiation.
0 = No remote fault condition detected.
5 Jabber Detect 0, RO Jabber Detect: This bit only has meaning in 10 Mb/s mode
This bit is a duplicate of the Jabber Detect bit in the BMSR register,
except that it is not cleared upon a read of the PHYSTS register.
1 = Jabber condition detected.
0 = No Jabber.
4 Auto-Neg Complete 0, RO Auto-Negotiation Complete:
1 = Auto-Negotiation complete.
0 = Auto-Negotiation not complete.
3 Loopback Status 0, RO Loopback:
1 = Loopback enabled.
0 = Normal operation.
2 Duplex Status 0, RO Duplex:
This bit indicates duplex status and is determined from Auto-Nego-
tiation or Forced Modes.
1 = Full duplex mode.
0 = Half duplex mode.
Note: This bit is only valid if Auto-Negotiation is enabled and com-
plete and there is a valid link or if Auto-Negotiation is disabled and
there is a valid link.
1 Speed Status 0, RO Speed10:
This bit indicates the status of the speed and is determined from
Auto-Negotiation or Forced Modes.
1 = 10 Mb/s mode.
0 = 100 Mb/s mode.
Note: This bit is only valid if Auto-Negotiation is enabled and com-
plete and there is a valid link or if Auto-Negotiation is disabled and
there is a valid link.
0 Link Status 0, RO Link Status:
This bit is a duplicate of the Link Status bit in the BMSR register,
except that it will no be cleared upon a read of the PHYSTS regis-
1 = Valid link established (for either 10 or 100 Mb/s operation).
0 = Link not established.
Table 17. False Carrier Sense Counter Register (FCSCR), address 0x14
Bit Bit Name Default Description
15:8 RESERVED 0, RO RESERVED: Writes ignored, Read as 0
7:0 FCSCNT[7:0] 0, RW / COR False Carrier Event Counter:
This 8-bit counter increments on every false carrier event. This
counter sticks when it reaches its max count (FFh).
Table 16. PHY Status Register (PHYSTS), address 0x10 (Continued)
Bit Bit Name Default Description