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1.0 Pin Descriptions
The DP83847 pins are classified into the following interface
categories (each interface is described in the sections that
— MII Interface
— 10/100 Mb/s PMD Interface
— Clock Interface
— Special Connect Pins
— LED Interface
— Strapping Options/Dual Function pins
— Power and Ground pins
Note: Strapping pin option (BOLD) Please see Section 1.6
for strap definitions.
All DP83847 signal pins are I/O cells regardless of the par-
ticular use. Below definitions define the functionality of the
I/O cells for each pin.
1.1 MII Interface
Type: I Inputs
Type: O Outputs
Type: I/O Input/Output
Type OD Open Drain
Type: PD,PU Internal Pulldown/Pullup
Type: S Strapping Pin (All strap pins except PHY-
AD[0:4] have internal pull-ups or pull-
downs. If the default strap value is needed
to be changed then an external 5 kΩ resistor
should be used. Please see Table 1.6 on
page 8 for details.)
Signal Name Type LLP Pin # Description
MDC I 25 MANAGEMENT DATA CLOCK: Synchronous clock to the MDIO
management data input/output serial interface which may be
asynchronous to transmit and receive clocks. The maximum clock
rate is 25 MHz with no minimum clock rate.
MDIO I/O, OD 24 MANAGEMENT DATA I/O: Bi-directional management instruc-
tion/data signal that may be sourced by the station management
entity or the PHY. This pin requires a 1.5 kΩ pullup resistor.
O, S 45 CARRIER SENSE: Asserted high to indicate the presence of car-
rier due to receive or transmit activity in 10BASE-T or 100BASE-
TX Half Duplex Modes, while in full duplex mode carrier sense is
asserted to indicate the presence of carrier due only to receive ac-
COL O 43 COLLISION DETECT: Asserted high to indicate detection of a
collision condition (simultaneous transmit and receive activity) in
10 Mb/s and 100 Mb/s Half Duplex Modes.
While in 10BASE-T Half Duplex mode with Heartbeat enabled this
pin are also asserted for a duration of approximately 1µs at the
end of transmission to indicate heartbeat (SQE test).
In Full Duplex Mode, for 10 Mb/s or 100 Mb/s operation, this sig-
nal is always logic 0. There is no heartbeat function during 10
Mb/s full duplex operation.
TX_CLK O 36 TRANSMIT CLOCK: 25 MHz Transmit clock outputs in
100BASE-TX mode or 2.5 MHz in 10BASE-T mode derived from
the 25 MHz reference clock.
I 41, 40, 39,
TRANSMIT DATA: Transmit data MII input pins that accept nib-
ble data synchronous to the TX_CLK (2.5 MHz in 10BASE-T
Mode or 25 MHz in 100BASE-TX mode).
TX_EN I 37 TRANSMIT ENABLE: Active high input indicates the presence of
valid nibble data on data inputs, TXD[3:0] for both 100 Mb/s or 10
Mb/s nibble mode.
TX_ER I 35 TRANSMIT ERROR: In 100MB/s mode, when this signal is high
and the corresponding TX_EN is active the HALT symbol is sub-
stituted for data.
In 10 Mb/s this input is ignored.
RX_CLK O, PU 32 RECEIVE CLOCK: Provides the 25 MHz recovered receive
clocks for 100BASE-TX mode and 2.5 MHz for 10BASE-T nibble