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Part # C1925
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Technical Document

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Hardware Description
3-12 AVR STK500 User Guide
1925C–AVR–3/03 Parallel High-voltage
To use High-voltage Programming, the programming signal must be routed to the AVR
I/O pins. The two 10-wire cables supplied with the STK500 can be used to connect the
PROG DATA header to the PORTB header and the PROG CTRL header to the PORTD
header, as shown in Figure 3-17.
Figure 3-17. Connection for Parallel High-voltage Programming
Some of the jumper settings on STK500 must be changed when using High-voltage Pro-
gramming. Figure 3-18 explains these jumper settings.
Hardware Description
AVR STK500 User Guide 3-13
Figure 3-18. Jumper Settings for High-voltage Programming
Hardware setup for parallel High-voltage Programming:
1. Switch power off.
2. Place the device to program in its socket according to Table 3-3 on page 3-11.
3. Connect the headers PROGDATA and PORTB with the 10-wire cable.
4. Connect the headers PROGCTRL and PORTD with the 10-wire cable.
5. Mount jumper OSCSEL on pins 1 and 2 to select software-controlled clock.
6. Mount jumper XTAL1 to route the oscillator signal to the device.
7. Mount jumpers VTARGET and RESET.
8. When programming AT90S2333, AT90S4433, or ATmega8, mount both PJUMP
jumpers. The 2-wire cables can be used instead of jumpers.
9. When programming ATmega16, ATmega163, ATmega161, ATmega128, or
ATmega323, mount the BSEL2 jumper. When programming ATmega8, connect
BSEL2 terminal to PC2. A 2-wire cable can be used instead of jumpers.
10. Disconnect target system.
11. Switch power on.
12. Ensure that VTARGET is between 4.5V and 5.5V before programming. See Sec-
For a complete description of jumper settings, see Section 3.8, “Jumper Settings”.
Note: Remove the hardware setup for High-voltage Programming before starting a
debug session.
must be
(See Below)
Hardware Description
3-14 AVR STK500 User Guide
1925C–AVR–3/03 Serial High-voltage
The 8-pin AVRs have too few pins to use parallel communication during High-voltage
Programming. They use serial communication instead.
This means that fewer signals have to be routed. Hardware setup for serial High-voltage
Programming is as follows:
1. Switch power off.
2. Place the device to program in its socket according to Table 3-3 on page 3-11.
3. Mount jumper OSCSEL on pins 1 and 2 to select software-controlled clock.
4. Mount jumper XTAL1 to route the oscillator signal to the device.
5. Mount jumpers VTARGET and RESET.
6. Use one 2-wire cable to connect the PB3 pin (pin 4) on the PORTB header to the
XT1 pin (pin 7) on the PORTE/AUX header. This will connect the clock system to
the AVR device.
7. Use another 2-wire cable to connect the PB5 pin (pin 6) on the PORTB header to
the RST pin (pin 4) on the PORTE/AUX header. This will connect the reset sys-
tem to the AVR device.
8. Use a third 2-wire cable to connect the PB0 and PB2 pins (pins 4 and 3) on the
SPROG1 header to the DATA0 and DATA2 pins (pins 1 and 3) on the PROG
DATA header.
9. Use the last 2-wire cable to connect the PB1 pin (pin 1) on the SPROG1 header
to the DATA1 pin (pin 2) on the PROG DATA header.
10. Switch power on and you are ready to program.
All connections are shown in Figure 3-19.
Figure 3-19. Connection for Serial High-voltage Programming