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Technical Document

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Using AVR Studio
AVR STK500 User Guide 5-9
5.4 Command Line
The DOS command line version of the STK500 software is useful for programming
STK500 from external editors or for use in production programmers. Simple batch files
can be made for automatic programming. Type “STK500 -?” for help.
The program returns ERRORCODE 0 if the operation was successful, and ERROR-
CODE 1 if the operation failed.
Command Line Switches:
[-d device name] [-m s|p] [-if infile] [-ie infile] [-of outfile]
[-oe outfile] [-s] [-O] [-Sf addr] [-Seaddr] [-e] [-p f|e|b]
[-r f|e|b] [-v f|e|b] [-l value] [-L value] [-y] [-f value] [-E value]
[-F value] [-G value] [-q] [-x value] [-af start,stop] [-ae start,stop]
[-c port] [-ut value] [-ua value] [-wt] [-wa] [-b h|s] [-! freq] [-t]
[-g] [-z] [-h|?]
5.5 Parameters d Device name. Must be applied when programming the device. See list below.
m Select programming mode; serial (s) or parallel/High-voltage (p).
Serial programming mode is the default, and is used if this parameter not
if Name of FLASH input file. Required for programming or verification of the FLASH
memory. The file format is Intel Extended HEX.
ie Name of EEPROM input file. Required for programming or verification of the
EEPROM memory. The file format is Intel Extended HEX.
of Name of flash output file. Required for readout of the FLASH memory. The file
format is Intel Extended HEX.
oe Name of EEPROM output file. Required for readout of the EEPROM memory. The
file format is Intel Extended HEX.
s Read signature bytes.
O Read oscillator calibration byte.
Sf Write oscillator call. byte to FLASH memory. “addr” is byte address
Se Write oscillator call. byte to EEPROM memory. “addr” is byte address
e Erase device. If applied with another programming parameter, the device will be
erased before any other programming takes place.
p Program device; FLASH (f), EEPROM (e) or both (b). Corresponding input files
are required.
r Read out device; FLASH (f), EEPROM (e) or both (b). Corresponding output files
are required
v Verify device; FLASH (f), EEPROM (e) or both (b). Can be used with -p or stand
alone. Corresponding input files are required.
l Set lock byte. “value' is an 8-bit hex. value.
L Verify lock byte. “value” is an 8-bit hex. value to verify against.
y Read back lock byte.
Using AVR Studio
5-10 AVR STK500 User Guide
f Set fuse bytes. “value” is a 16-bit hex. value describing the settings for the upper
and lower fuse.
E Set extended fuse byte. “value” is an 8-bit hex. value describing the extend fuse
F Verify fuse bytes. “value” is a 16-bit hex. value to verify against.
G Verify extended fuse byte. “value” is an 8-bit hex. value describing the extend fuse
q Read back fuse bytes.
x Fill unspecified locations with a value (0x00-0xff). The default is to not program
locations not specified in the input files.
af FLASH address range. Specifies the address range of operations. The default is
the entire FLASH. Byte addresses.
ae EEPROM address range. Specifies the address range of operations. The default
is the entire EEPROM. Byte addresses.
c Select communication port; “com1” to “com8”. If this parameter is omitted the
program will scan the comm. ports for the STK500
ut Set target voltage VTARGET in Volts. “value” is a floating point value between 0.0
and 6.0, describing the new voltage.
ua Set adjustable voltage AREF in Volts. “value” is a floating point value between 0.0
and 6.0, describing the new voltage.
wt Get current target voltage VTARGET.
wa Get current adjustable voltage AREF.
b Get revisions; hardware revision (h) and software revision (s).
! Set oscillator frequency; “freq” is the frequency in Hz.
t Get oscillator frequency.
g Silent operation.
z No progress indicator. For example, if piping to a file for log purposes, use this
option to avoid the non-ascii characters used for the indicator.
h|? Help information (overrides all other settings)
Figure 5-9. Sample Usage
stk500 -dAT90S8515 -ms -e -pf -vf -iftest.hex
Erase before Program
Program Flash
Name of hex File
Select Device Number
Serial Programming Mode
Verify Device
AVR STK500 User Guide 6-1
Rev. 1925C–AVR–3/03
Section 6
In-System Programming of an
External Target System
The STK500 can be used as a programmer to program AVR devices in other applica-
tions. There are two different ISP connector pinouts available: a 6-pin and a 10-pin
version. Both are supported by STK500.
Figure 6-1. 6-pin ISP Connector Pinout
Figure 6-2. 10-pin ISP Connector Pinout
Select the device to be programmed in the same way as programming a device on the
STK500. The V
of the target application is detected by STK500 and signals are con-
verted into voltage levels suitable for the target system.
Note: If the other application has its own power supply to VTG, the jumper VTARGET
must be removed before connecting STK500 to the other application. STK500
may be damaged if the VTARGET jumper is not removed.
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