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Part # C1925
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Technical Document

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Hardware Description
AVR STK500 User Guide 3-27
3.11.2 PROGRAM Push
Future versions of AVR Studio may upgrade the master microcontroller on STK500.
AVR Studio will then detect old software versions of STK500 and update the Flash pro-
gram memory of the master microcontroller. To do this, the user is required to push the
PROGRAM button when powering on STK500. AVR Studio issues instructions on how
to perform the upgrade during the upgrade process.
3.11.3 Main Power LED The red power LED is directly connected to the STK500 main power supply. The power
LED is always lit when power is applied to STK500.
3.11.4 Target Power LED The target power LED is connected to VCC lines (VTG) on the target AVR devices in the
sockets. The target power LED is lit when power is applied to the target AVR device.
3.11.5 Status LED The PROGRAM LED is a 3-color LED. During programming, the LED is yellow. When
the target AVR device is successfully programmed, the LED will turn green. If program-
ming fails, the LED will turn red to indicate that programming failed. When programming
fails, check the troubleshooting guide in Section 7 on page 7-1. During start-up, the sta-
tus LED will shift from red, through yellow, to green to indicate that the master
microcontroller is ready.
Hardware Description
3-28 AVR STK500 User Guide
AVR STK500 User Guide 4-1
Rev. 1925C–AVR–3/03
Section 4
Installing AVR Studio
AVR Studio, with its Integrated Development Environment (IDE), is the ideal software
for all AVR development. It has an editor, an assembler and a debugger and is front-end
for all AVR emulators and the STK500 starter kit.
To install AVR Studio, insert the supplied Atmel CD-ROM databook in the computer and
navigate to “Products AVR 8-bit RISC Software”. Right-click with the mouse on the
“AVRstudio.exe” file and select “save link as”. Select an empty directory and save the
Execute the “AVRstudio.exe” file; this is a self-extracting file that will extract all required
files to the current directory. Execute the “Setup.exe” file; this will guide you through the
setup process.
Note: AVR Studio, version 3.2 or higher, is required for STK500 support.