¼W High Linearity Amplifier
Application Circuit 2110-2170 MHz
1071363AW REV - 1071363PC REV -
1. See PC Board Layout, page 8 for more information.
2. Components shown on the silkscreen but not on the schematic are not used.
3. 0 Ω resistors (C1,R2,R4) may be replaced with copper trace in the target application layout.
4. The recommended component values are dependent upon the frequency of operation.
5. All components are of 0603 size unless stated on the schematic.
6. Critical component placement locations:
Distance from U1 Pin 1 (left edge) to R8 (right edge): 40 mils (4.4 deg. at 2140 MHz)
Distance from U1 Pin 1 (left edge) to R1 (right edge): 115 mils (12.7 deg. at 2140 MHz)
Distance from U1 Pin 3 (right edge) to C2 (left edge): 450 mils (49.8 deg. at 2140 MHz)
Bill of Material
Ref Des Value Description Manuf. Part Number
n/a n/a Printed Circuit Board TriQuint 1071363
J1, J2 n/a RF SMA Connector Johnson Comp. 142-0701-851
U1 n/a Amplifier, SOT-89 pkg. TriQuint TQP7M9101
C1, R2, R4 0 Ω Resistor, Chip, 0603, 5%, 1/16W various
L1 18 nH Inductor, 0805, 5%, Coilcraft CS Series Coilcraft 0805CS-180XJLB
R1 1.8 pF Cap., Chip, 0603, +/-0.1pF. 200V. NPO/COG AVX 06032U1R8BAT2A
R8 1.0 pF Cap., Chip, 0603, +/-0.1pF. 200V. NPO/COG AVX 06032U1R0BAT2A
C2 10 pF Cap., Chip, 0603, +/-1%. 200V NPO/COG AVX 06032U100FAT2A
C3 22 pF Cap., Chip, 5%, 50V, NPO/COG various
C4 1.0 uF Cap., Chip, 10%, 10V, X5R various
J3, J4 n/a Solder Turret various
Advanced Data Sheet: Rev D 09/19/11
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