¼W High Linearity Amplifier
Mobile Infrastructure
General Purpose Wireless
3-pin SOT-89 Package
Product Features
Functional Block Diagram
400-4000 MHz
+25 dBm P1dB
+39.5 dBm Output IP3
17.5 dB Gain @ 2140 MHz
+5V Single Supply, 87 mA Current
No output matching required
Internal RF overdrive protection
Internal DC overvoltage protection
On chip ESD protection
SOT-89 Package
2 3
General Description
Pin Configuration
The TQP7M9101 is a high-linearity driver amplifier in a
standard SOT-89 surface mount package. This
InGaP/GaAs HBT delivers high performance across a
road range of frequencies with +40 dBm OIP3 and +25
dBm P1dB while only consuming 87 mA quiescen
current. All devices are 100% RF and DC tested.
The TQP7M9101 incorporates on-chip features tha
differentiate it from other products in the market. The RF
output is internally matched in to 50 ohms. Only input
matching is required for optimal performance in specific
frequency bands making the component easy for design
engineers to implement in their systems. The amplifie
integrates an on-chip DC over-voltage and RF over-drive
rotection. This protects the amplifier from electrical DC
voltage surges and high input RF input power levels tha
may occur in a system. On-chip ESD protection allows
the amplifier to have a very robust Class 2 HBM ESD
The TQP7M9101 is targeted for use as a driver amplifie
in wireless infrastructure where high linearity, mediu
ower, and high efficiency are required. The device an
excellent candidate for transceiver line cards in curren
and next generation multi-carrier 3G / 4G base stations.
Ordering Information
Part No. Description
TQP7M9101 0.25 W High Linearity Amplifier
TQP7M9101-PCB900 TQP7M9101 869-960 MHz EVB
TQP7M9101-PCB2140 TQP7M9101 2.11-2.17 GHz EVB
Standard T/R size = 1000 pieces on a 7” reel.
Pin # Symbol
1 RF Input
3 RF Output / Vcc
2, 4 Ground
Advanced Data Sheet: Rev D 09/19/11
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Disclaimer: Subject to change without notice
© 2011 TriQuint Semiconductor, Inc.
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