December 16, 2011
FN6849.1 1. Electrical Chracteristics, Table 1:
a. Added “ISENA” to “Analog input voltages” with value of -3 to
6.5 and removed it’s stand-alone row with value of -1.5 to +30.
b. Removed 120mA row for “MOSFET drive reference”
and”Logic reference”.
2. Electrical Specifications, Table 3:
a. Changed “Logic input bias current” to ““Logic input leakage
current” with condition of “Push-pull logic” with Min of -250nA
and Max of 250nA.
b. Added Note 5 of “Limits established by charcterization and
not production tested” and callouts to the following parameters:
“Soft start delay duration range”, “Soft start ramp duration
range”, “Logic input leakage current”, “Minimum SYNC pulse
width”, “High-side driver peak gate drive current (pull down)”,
“High-side driver pull-up resistance”, “High-side driver pull-
down resistance”, “Low-side driver peak gate drive current (pull-
up)”, “Low-side driver peak gate drive current (pull-down)”,
“Low-side driver pull-up resistance
” , “Low-side driver pull-
down resistance
”, “Switching timing - GH and GL rise and fall”,
Power good delay range”, “VSEN undervoltage (and
overvolatge) threshold
” with condition of “Configurable via I2C/
”, “VSEN undervoltage/overvoltage fault response
” with condition of “Configurable via I2C/SMBus”, “Current
limit protection delay
” with condition of “Configurable via I2C/
”, “Thermal protection threshold” with condition of
Configurable via I2C/SMBus”.
3. Updated Ordering info to note R as the firmware revision
4. Updated Related documentation item numbers.
November 11, 2009
1. Updated Stamp on datasheet to read “Not Recommended
For New Designs Recommended Replacement Part
November 12, 2009
FN6849.2 Page 5, Table 3, last row in the table "VTRK tracking threshold",
added a reference to Note 5.
August 12, 2010
Revision Number Description Date