Freelance Electronics Components Distributor
Closed Dec 25th-26th
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Part # ZL2005PALRFT
Category IC
Availability In Stock
Qty 200
Qty Price
1 - 42 $4.32646
43 - 84 $3.44150
85 - 126 $3.24484
127 - 168 $3.01541
169 + $2.68765
Manufacturer Available Qty
Zilker Labs
  • Shipping Freelance Stock: 10
    Ships Immediately
Zilker Labs
Date Code: 1010
  • Shipping Freelance Stock: 100
    Ships Immediately
Zilker Labs
Date Code: 1010
  • Shipping Freelance Stock: 90
    Ships Immediately

Technical Document

DISCLAIMER: The information provided herein is solely for informational purposes. Customers must be aware of the suitability of this product for their application, and consider that variable factors such as Manufacturer, Product Category, Date Codes, Pictures and Descriptions may differ from available inventory.

December 16, 2011
6.9 I
C/SMBus Device Address Selection
When communicating with multiple ZL2005Ps using
the I
C/SMBus serial interface, each device must have
its own unique address so the host can distinguish
between the devices. The device address can be set
according to the pin-strap options listed in Table 27 to
provide up to eight unique device addresses. Address
values are
Table 27. Serial Bus Device Address Selection
If additional device addresses are required, a resistor
can be co
nnected to the SA0 pin according to Table 28
to provide up to 25 unique devic
e addresses. In this
case the SA1 pin should be tied to SGND with a zero
ohm resistor.
Table 28. SMBus Address Values
0x00 10 kΩ 0x0D 34.8 kΩ
0x01 11 kΩ 0x0E 38.3kΩ
0x02 12.1 kΩ 0x0F 42.2 kΩ
0x03 13.3 kΩ 0x10 46.4 kΩ
0x04 14.7 kΩ 0x11 51.1 kΩ
0x05 16.2 kΩ 0x12 56.2 kΩ
0x06 17.8 kΩ 0x13 61.9 kΩ
0x07 19.6 kΩ 0x14 68.1 kΩ
0x08 21.5 kΩ 0x15 75 kΩ
0x09 23.7 kΩ 0x16 82.5 kΩ
0x0A 26.1 kΩ 0x17 90.9 kΩ
0x0B 28.7 kΩ 0x18 100 kΩ
0x0C 31.6 kΩ
If more than 25 unique device addresses are required
or if
other SMBus address values are desired, both the
SA0 and SA1 pins can be configured with a resistor to
SGND according to the equation (30) and Table 29.
SMBus addr = 25x(SA1 index)+(SA0 index) (30)
Using this method, the user can theoretically configure
up to
625 unique SMBus addresses; however, the
SMBus is inherently limited to 128 devices so
attempting to configure an address higher than 128
will cause the device address to repeat (i.e, attempting
to configure a device address of 129 would result in a
device address of 1). Therefore, the user should use
index values 0-4 on the SA1 pin and the full range of
index values on the SA0 pin, which will provide 125
device address combinations.
Table 29. SMBus Address Index Values
0 10 kΩ 13 34.8 kΩ
1 11 kΩ 14 38.3 kΩ
2 12.1 kΩ 15 42.2 kΩ
3 13.3 kΩ 16 46.4 kΩ
4 14.7 kΩ 17 51.1 kΩ
5 16.2 kΩ 18 56.2 kΩ
6 17.8 kΩ 19 61.9 kΩ
7 19.6 kΩ 20 68.1 kΩ
8 21.5 kΩ 21 75 kΩ
9 23.7 kΩ 22 82.5 kΩ
10 26.1 kΩ 23 90.9 kΩ
11 28.7 kΩ 24 100 kΩ
12 31.6 kΩ
6.10 Phase Spreading
When multiple point of load converters share a com-
mon DC input supply, it is desira
ble to adjust the clock
phase offset of each device such that not all devices
start to switch simultaneously. Setting each converter
to start its switching cycle at a different point in time
can dramatically reduce input capacitance require-
ments and efficiency losses.
Since the peak current
drawn from the input supply is effectively spread out
over a period of time, the peak current drawn at any
given moment is reduced and the power losses propor-
tional to the I
are reduced dramatically.
In order to enable phase spreading,
all converters must
be synchronized to the same switching clock. The
CFG pin is used to set the configuration of the SYNC
pin for each device as described in Section 5.7,
“Switching Frequency and PLL,” .
0x20 0x23 0x26
0x21 0x24 0x27
0x22 0x25 Reserved
SA0 or
SA1 Index
SA0 or
December 16, 2011
Selecting the phase offset for the device is accom-
plished by selecting a device address according to the
following equation:
Phase offset = device address x 45°
For example:
A device address of 0x00 or 0x20 would configure no
phase offset
A device address of 0x01 or 0x21 would config-
ure 45° of phase offset
A device address of 0x02 or 0x22 would config-
ure 90° of phase offset.
The phase offset of each device may also be set to any
value between 0° and 337.5° in 22.5° increments via
the I
C/SMBus interface. Please refer to Application
Note AN2013 for details.
6.11 Output Sequencing
A group of ZL2005P devices may be configured to
power up in a predetermined sequence. This feature is
especially useful when powering advanced processors,
FPGAs, and ASICs that require one supply to reach its
operating voltage prior to another supply reaching its
operating voltage. Multi-device sequencing can be
achieved by configuring each device through the I
SMBus interface or by using Zilker Labs’ proprietary
Autonomous Sequencing
Autonomous sequencing mode configures sequencing
using status information broadcast by ZL2005P onto
the I
C/SMBus pins SCL and SDA. No I
C or SMBus
host device is involved in this method, but the SCL
and SDA pins must be interconnected between all
devices that the user wishes to sequence using this
method. Note: Pull-up resistors on SCL and SDA are
required and should be selected using the criteria in
the SMBus 2.0 specification.
The sequence order is determined using each device’s
C/SMBus device address. Using autonomous
sequencing mode (configured using the CFG pin), the
devices must exhibit sequential device addresses with
no missing addresses in the chain. This mode will also
constrain each device to have a phase offset according
to its device address as described in
Section 6.10,
“Phase Spreading,” on page 34.
The group will turn on in order starting with the device
with the lowest address and will continue to turn on
each device in the address chain until all devices con
nected have been turned on. When turning off, the
device with the highest address will turn off first fol
lowed in reverse order by the other devices in the
Sequencing is configured by connecting a resistor
from the CFG pin to ground as described in
Table 30.
The CFG pin is used to set the configuration of the
SYNC pin as well as to determine the sequencing
method and order. Please refer to Switching Frequency
and PLL for more details on the operating parameters
of the SYNC pin.
December 16, 2011
Multiple device sequencing may also be achieved by
issuing PMBus commands to assign the preceding
device in the sequencing chain as well as the device
that will follow in the sequencing chain. This method
places fewer restrictions on device address (no need of
sequential address) and also allows the user to assign
any phase offset to any device irrespective of its
device address.
Event-based sequencing and fault spreading are broad-
cast in address groups of up to sixteen ZL2005P
devices. An address group consists of all devices
whose addresses differ in only the four least signifi
cant bits of the address. For example, addresses 20, 25
and 2F are all within the same group. Addresses 1F, 20
and 35 are all in different groups. Devices in the same
address group can broadcast power on and power off
sequencing and fault spreading events with each other.
Devices in different groups cannot.
The Enable pins of all devices in a sequencing group
must be tied together and driven high to initiate a
sequenced turn-on of the group. Enable must be driven
low to initiate a sequenced turnoff of the group.
Please refer to Application Note AN2013 for details
on sequencing via the I
C/SMBus interface.
6.12 Monitoring via I
A system controller can monitor a wide variety of dif-
ferent ZL2005P system parameters through the I
SMBus interface. The controller can monitor for fault
conditions by monitoring the SALRT pin, which will
be asserted when any number of pre-configured fault
or warning conditions occur. The system controller
can also continuously monitor for any number of
power conversion parameters including but not limited
to the following:
1. Input voltage
2. Output voltage
3. Output current
4. Internal junction temperature
5. Temperature of an external device
6. Switching frequency
7. Duty cycle
Please refer to Application Note AN2013 for details
on how to monitor specific parameters via the I
SMBus interface.
When using the ZL2005P with other controllers on the
same bus, these controllers need to be compliant with
Table 30. CFG Pin Configurations for Sequencing
SYNC Pin Config
Sequencing Configuration
10 kΩ Input
Sequencing is disabled
11 kΩ Auto detect
12.1 kΩ Output
13.3 kΩ Auto detect
14.7 kΩ Input
The ZL2005P is configured as the first device in a nested
sequencing group. Turn-on order is based on the device SMBus
16.2 kΩ Auto detect
17.8 kΩ Output
19.6 kΩ Auto detect
21.5 kΩ Input
The ZL2005P is configured as a last device in a nested sequencing
group. Turn-on order is based on the device SMBus address.
23.7 kΩ Auto detect
26.1 kΩ Output
28.7 kΩ Auto detect
31.6 kΩ Input
The ZL2005P is configured as the middle device in a nested
sequencing group. Turn-on order is based on the device SMBus
34.8 kΩ Auto detect
38.3 kΩ Output
42.2 kΩ Auto detect
46.4 kΩ Input Sequencing is disabled