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Closed Dec 25th-26th
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Description V62/03627-01XE -OHCI-LYNX PCI-BASED - Trays
Category IC
Availability In Stock
Qty 2
Qty Price
1 + $10.15828
Manufacturer Available Qty
Texas Instruments
Date Code: 0336
  • Shipping Freelance Stock: 2
    Ships Immediately

Technical Document

DISCLAIMER: The information provided herein is solely for informational purposes. Customers must be aware of the suitability of this product for their application, and consider that variable factors such as Manufacturer, Product Category, Date Codes, Pictures and Descriptions may differ from available inventory.

4.43 Isochronous Receive Context Match Register
The isochronous receive context match register starts an isochronous receive context running on a specified cycle
number, filters incoming isochronous packets based on tag values, and waits for packets with a specified sync value.
The n value in the following register addresses indicates the context number (n = 0, 1, 2, 3). See Table 4−32 for a
complete description of the register contents.
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Name Isochronous receive context match
Type R/W R/W R/W R/W R R R R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W
Default X X X X 0 0 0 X X X X X X X X X
Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Name Isochronous receive context match
Type R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W
Default X X X X X X X X 0 X X X X X X X
Register: Isochronous receive context match
Type: Read/Write, Read-only
Offset: 410Ch + (32 * n)
Default: XXXX XXXXh
Table 4−32. Isochronous Receive Context Match Register Description
31 tag3 R/W If bit 31 is set to 1, this context matches on isochronous receive packets with a tag field of 11b.
30 tag2 R/W If bit 30 is set to 1, this context matches on isochronous receive packets with a tag field of 10b.
29 tag1 R/W If bit 29 is set to 1, this context matches on isochronous receive packets with a tag field of 01b.
28 tag0 R/W If bit 28 is set to 1, this context matches on isochronous receive packets with a tag field of 00b.
27 RSVD R Reserved. Bit 27 returns 0 when read.
26−12 cycleMatch R/W This field contains a 15-bit value corresponding to the low-order two bits of cycleSeconds and the 13-bit
cycleCount field in the cycleStart packet. If bit 29 (cycleMatchEnable) in the isochronous receive
context control register (see Section 4.41, Isochronous Receive Context Control Register) is set to 1,
this context is enabled for receives when the two low-order bits in the isochronous cycle timer register
at OHCI offset F0h (see Section 4.31, Isochronous Cycle Timer Register) cycleSeconds field
(bits 31−25) and cycleCount field (bits 24−12) value equal this field (cycleMatch) value.
11−8 sync R/W This 4-bit field is compared to the sync field of each isochronous packet for this channel when the
command descriptor w field is set to 11b.
7 RSVD R Reserved. Bit 7 returns 0 when read.
6 tag1SyncFilter R/W If bit 6 and bit 29 (tag1) are set to 1, packets with tag 01b are accepted into the context if the two most
significant bits of the packets sync field are 00b. Packets with tag values other than 01b are filtered
according to bit 28 (tag0), bit 30 (tag2), and bit 31 (tag3) without any additional restrictions.
If this bit is cleared, this context matches on isochronous receive packets as specified in bits 28−31
(tag0−tag3) with no additional restrictions.
5−0 channelNumber R/W This 6-bit field indicates the isochronous channel number for which this isochronous receive DMA
context accepts packets.
5 GPIO Interface
The general-purpose input/output (GPIO) interface consists of two GPIO ports. GPIO2 and GPIO3 power up as
general-purpose inputs and are programmable via the GPIO control register. Figure 5−1 shows the logic diagram for
GPIO2 and GPIO3 implementation.
GPIO Read Data
GPIO Write Data
GPIO Enable
Figure 5−1. GPIO2 and GPIO3 Logic Diagram