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Part # TMS320VC5509APGE
Category IC
Availability Out of Stock
Qty 0
Qty Price
1 + $22.73692

Technical Document

DISCLAIMER: The information provided herein is solely for informational purposes. Customers must be aware of the suitability of this product for their application, and consider that variable factors such as Manufacturer, Product Category, Date Codes, Pictures and Descriptions may differ from available inventory.

Functional Overview
November 2002 − Revised January 2005 SPRS205D
Table 3−21. CPU Memory-Mapped Registers (Continued)
CDP 27 Coefficient Data Pointer [15−0]
AC3L 28 Accumulator 3 [15−0]
AC3H 29 [31−16]
AC3G 2A [39−32]
DPH 2B Extended Data Page Pointer [6−0]
MDP05 2C Reserved [6−0]
MDP67 2D Reserved [6−0]
DP 2E Memory Data Page Start Address [15−0]
PDP 2F Peripheral Data Page Start Address [8−0]
BK47 30 Circular Buffer Size Register for AR[4−7] [15−0]
BKC 31 Circular Buffer Size Register for CDP [15−0]
BSA01 32 Circular Buffer Start Address Register for AR[0−1] [15−0]
BSA23 33 Circular Buffer Start Address Register for AR[2−3] [15−0]
BSA45 34 Circular Buffer Start Address Register for AR[4−5] [15−0]
BSA67 35 Circular Buffer Start Address Register for AR[6−7] [15−0]
BSAC 36 Circular Buffer Coefficient Start Address Register [15−0]
BIOS 37 Data Page Pointer Storage Location for 128-word Data Table [15−0]
TRN1 38 Transition Register 1 [15−0]
BRC1 39 Block Repeat Counter 1 [15−0]
BRS1 3A Block Repeat Save 1 [15−0]
CSR 3B Computed Single Repeat [15−0]
RSA0H 3C Repeat Start Address 0 [23−16]
RSA0L 3D [15−0]
REA0H 3E Repeat End Address 0 [23−16]
REA0L 3F [15−0]
RSA1H 40 Repeat Start Address 1 [23−16]
RSA1L 41 [15−0]
REA1H 42 Repeat End Address 1 [23−16]
REA1L 43 [15−0]
RPTC 44 Repeat Counter [15−0]
IER1 45 Interrupt Enable Register 1 [15−0]
IFR1 46 Interrupt Flag Register 1 [15−0]
DBIER0 47 Debug IER0 [15−0]
DBIER1 48 Debug IER1 [15−0]
IVPD 49 Interrupt Vector Pointer DSP [15−0]
IVPH 4A Interrupt Vector Pointer HOST [15−0]
ST2_55 4B Status Register 2 for C55x [15−0]
SSP 4C System Stack Pointer [15−0]
SP 4D User Stack Pointer [15−0]
SPH 4E Extended Data Page Pointer for the SP and the SSP [6−0]
CDPH 4F Main Data Page Pointer for the CDP [6−0]
Functional Overview
November 2002 − Revised January 2005SPRS205D
3.10 Peripheral Register Description
Each 5509A device has a set of memory-mapped registers associated with peripherals as listed in Table 3−22
through Table 3−39. Some registers use less than 16 bits. When reading these registers, unused bits are
always read as 0.
NOTE: The CPU access latency to the peripheral memory-mapped registers is 6 CPU cycles.
Following peripheral register update(s), the CPU must wait at least 6 CPU cycles before
attempting to use that peripheral. When more than one peripheral register is updated in a
sequence, the CPU only needs to wait following the final register write. For example, if the
EMIF is being reconfigured, the CPU must wait until the very last EMIF register update takes
effect before trying to access the external memory. The users should consult the respective
peripheral user’s guide to determine if a peripheral requires additional time to initialize itself
to the new configuration after the register updates take effect.
Before reading or writing to the USB register, the USB module has to be brought out of reset by setting bit 2
of the USB Idle Control and Status Register. Likewise, the MMC/SD must be selected by programming the
External Bus Selection Register before reading or writing the MMC/SD module registers.
Table 3−22. Idle Control, Status, and System Registers
0x0001 ICR[7:0] Idle Control Register xxxx xxxx 0000 0000
0x0002 ISTR[7:0] Idle Status Register xxxx xxxx 0000 0000
0x07FD SYSR[15:0] System Register 0000 0000 0000 0000
Hardware reset; x denotes a “don’t care.”
Table 3−23. External Memory Interface Registers
0x0800 EGCR[15:0] EMIF Global Control Register xxxx xxxx 0010 xx00
0x0801 EMI_RST EMIF Global Reset Register xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
0x0802 EMI_BE[13:0] EMIF Bus Error Status Register xx00 0000 0000 0000
0x0803 CE0_1[14:0] EMIF CE0 Space Control Register 1 x010 1111 1111 1111
0x0804 CE0_2[15:0] EMIF CE0 Space Control Register 2 0100 1111 1111 1111
0x0805 CE0_3[7:0] EMIF CE0 Space Control Register 3 xxxx xxxx 0000 0000
0x0806 CE1_1[14:0] EMIF CE1 Space Control Register 1 x010 1111 1111 1111
0x0807 CE1_2[15:0] EMIF CE1 Space Control Register 2 0100 1111 1111 1111
0x0808 CE1_3[7:0] EMIF CE1 Space Control Register 3 xxxx xxxx 0000 0000
0x0809 CE2_1[14:0] EMIF CE2 Space Control Register 1 x010 1111 1111 1111
0x080A CE2_2[15:0] EMIF CE2 Space Control Register 2 0101 1111 1111 1111
0x080B CE2_3[7:0] EMIF CE2 Space Control Register 3 xxxx xxxx 0000 0000
0x080C CE3_1[14:0] EMIF CE3 Space Control Register 1 x010 1111 1111 1111
0x080D CE3_2[15:0] EMIF CE3 Space Control Register 2 0101 1111 1111 1111
0x080E CE3_3[7:0] EMIF CE3 Space Control Register 3 xxxx xxxx 0000 0000
0x080F SDC1[15:0] EMIF SDRAM Control Register 1 1111 1001 0100 1000
0x0810 SDPER[11:0] EMIF SDRAM Period Register xxxx 0000 1000 0000
0x0811 SDCNT[11:0] EMIF SDRAM Counter Register xxxx 0000 1000 0000
0x0812 INIT EMIF SDRAM Init Register xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
0x0813 SDC2[9:0] EMIF SDRAM Control Register 2 xxxx xx11 1111 1111
0x0814 SDC3 EMIF SDRAM Control Register 3 0000 0000 0000 0111
Hardware reset; x denotes a “don’t care.”
Functional Overview
November 2002 − Revised January 2005 SPRS205D
Table 3−24. DMA Configuration Registers
0x0E00 DMA_GCR[2:0] DMA Global Control Register xxxx xxxx xxxx x000
0x0E02 DMA_GSCR DMA Software Compatibility Register
0x0E03 DMA_GTCR DMA Timeout Control Register
0x0C00 DMA_CSDP0 DMA Channel 0 Source Destination
Parameters Register
0000 0000 0000 0000
0x0C01 DMA_CCR0[15:0] DMA Channel 0 Control Register 0000 0000 0000 0000
0x0C02 DMA_CICR0[5:0] DMA Channel 0 Interrupt Control Register xxxx xxxx xx00 0011
0x0C03 DMA_CSR0[6:0] DMA Channel 0 Status Register xxxx xxxx xx00 0000
0x0C04 DMA_CSSA_L0 DMA Channel 0 Source Start Address Register
(lower bits)
0x0C05 DMA_CSSA_U0 DMA Channel 0 Source Start Address Register
(upper bits)
0x0C06 DMA_CDSA_L0 DMA Channel 0 Source Destination Address Register
(lower bits)
0x0C07 DMA_CDSA_U0 DMA Channel 0 Source Destination Address Register
(upper bits)
0x0C08 DMA_CEN0 DMA Channel 0 Element Number Register Undefined
0x0C09 DMA_CFN0 DMA Channel 0 Frame Number Register Undefined
0x0C0A DMA_CFI0/
DMA Channel 0 Frame Index Register/
DMA Channel 0 Source Frame Index Register
0x0C0B DMA_CEI0/
DMA Channel 0 Element Index Register/
DMA Channel 0 Source Element Index Register
0x0C0C DMA_CSAC0 DMA Channel 0 Source Address Counter Undefined
0x0C0D DMA_CDAC0 DMA Channel 0 Destination Address Counter Undefined
0x0C0E DMA_CDEI0 DMA Channel 0 Destination Element Index Register Undefined
0x0C0F DMA_CDFI0 DMA Channel 0 Destination Frame Index Register Undefined
Hardware reset: x denotes a “don’t care.”
On the TMS320VC5509, the channel frame index applies to both source and destination and this register behaves as DMA_CFIn. On the
TMS320VC5509A, DMA_CSFIn and DMA_CDFIn provide separate source and destination frame indexing. The 5509A can be programmed
for software compatibility with the 5509 through the Software Compatibility Register (DMA_GSCR).
On the TMS320VC5509, the channel element index applies to both source and destination and this register behaves as DMA_CEIn. On the
TMS320VC5509A, DMA_CSEIn and DMA_CDEIn provide separate source and destination frame indexing. The 5509A can be programmed
for software compatibility with the 5509 through the Software Compatibility Register (DMA_GSCR).