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Part # S29GL256N10TFI020
Description NOR Flash Parallel 3.3V 256M-bit 32M x 8/16M x 16 100ns 56
Category IC
Availability In Stock
Qty 2
Qty Price
1 + $11.48011
Manufacturer Available Qty
Date Code: 0623
  • Shipping Freelance Stock: 2
    Ships Immediately

Technical Document

DISCLAIMER: The information provided herein is solely for informational purposes. Customers must be aware of the suitability of this product for their application, and consider that variable factors such as Manufacturer, Product Category, Date Codes, Pictures and Descriptions may differ from available inventory.

16 S29GLxxxN MirrorBitTM Flash Family 27631A4 May 13, 2004
Advance Information
level that is asserted on V
. See Ordering Information for V
options on this
For example, a V
of 1.65–3.6 volts allows for I/O at the 1.8 or 3 volt levels,
driving and receiving signals to and from other 1.8 or 3 V devices on the same
data bus.
Requirements for Reading Array Data
To read array data from the outputs, the system must drive the CE# and OE#
pins to V
. CE# is the power control and selects the device. OE# is the output
control and gates array data to the output pins. WE# should remain at V
The internal state machine is set for reading array data upon device power-up,
or after a hardware reset. This ensures that no spurious alteration of the memory
content occurs during the power transition. No command is necessary in this
mode to obtain array data. Standard microprocessor read cycles that assert valid
addresses on the device address inputs produce valid data on the device data
outputs. The device remains enabled for read access until the command register
contents are altered.
See “Reading Array Data” for more information. Refer to the AC Read-Only Op-
erations table for timing specifications and to Figure 11 for the timing diagram.
Refer to the DC Characteristics table for the active current specification on read-
ing array data.
Page Mode Read
The device is capable of fast page mode read and is compatible with the page
mode Mask ROM read operation. This mode provides faster read access speed for
random locations within a page. The page size of the device is 8 words/16 bytes.
The appropriate page is selected by the higher address bits A(max)–A3. Address
bits A2–A0 in word mode (A2–A-1 in byte mode) determine the specific word
within a page. This is an asynchronous operation; the microprocessor supplies
the specific word location.
The random or initial page access is equal to t
or t
and subsequent page
read accesses (as long as the locations specified by the microprocessor falls
within that page) is equivalent to t
. When CE# is de-asserted and reasserted
for a subsequent access, the access time is t
or t
. Fast page mode accesses
are obtained by keeping the “read-page addresses” constant and changing the
“intra-read page” addresses.
Writing Commands/Command Sequences
To write a command or command sequence (which includes programming data
to the device and erasing sectors of memory), the system must drive WE# and
CE# to V
, and OE# to V
The device features an Unlock Bypass mode to facilitate faster programming.
Once the device enters the Unlock Bypass mode, only two write cycles are re-
quired to program a word or byte, instead of four. The “Word/Byte Program
Command Sequence” section has details on programming data to the device
using both standard and Unlock Bypass command sequences.
An erase operation can erase one sector, multiple sectors, or the entire device.
Table 2 indicates the address space that each sector occupies.
May 13, 2004 27631A4 S29GLxxxN MirrorBitTM Flash Family 17
Advance Information
Refer to the DC Characteristics table for the active current specification for the
write mode. The AC Characteristics section contains timing specification tables
and timing diagrams for write operations.
Write Buffer
Write Buffer Programming allows the system write to a maximum of 16 words/32
bytes in one programming operation. This results in faster effective programming
time than the standard programming algorithms. See “Write Buffer” for more
Accelerated Program Operation
The device offers accelerated program operations through the ACC function. This
is one of two functions provided by the WP#/ACC pin. This function is primarily
intended to allow faster manufacturing throughput at the factory.
If the system asserts V
on this pin, the device automatically enters the afore-
mentioned Unlock Bypass mode, temporarily unprotects any protected sector
groups, and uses the higher voltage on the pin to reduce the time required for
program operations. The system would use a two-cycle program command se-
quence as required by the Unlock Bypass mode. Removing V
from the WP#/
ACC pin returns the device to normal operation. Note that the WP#/ACC pin must
not be at V
for operations other than accelerated programming, or device dam-
age may result. WP# has an internal pullup; when unconnected, WP# is at V
Autoselect Functions
If the system writes the autoselect command sequence, the device enters the au-
toselect mode. The system can then read autoselect codes from the internal
register (which is separate from the memory array) on DQ7DQ0. Standard read
cycle timings apply in this mode. Refer to the “Autoselect Mode” section on page
44 and “Autoselect Command Sequence” section on page 58 sections for more
Standby Mode
When the system is not reading or writing to the device, it can place the device
in the standby mode. In this mode, current consumption is greatly reduced, and
the outputs are placed in the high impedance state, independent of the OE#
The device enters the CMOS standby mode when the CE# and RESET# pins are
both held at V
± 0.3 V. (Note that this is a more restricted voltage range than
.) If CE# and RESET# are held at V
, but not within V
± 0.3 V, the device
will be in the standby mode, but the standby current will be greater. The device
requires standard access time (t
) for read access when the device is in either
of these standby modes, before it is ready to read data.
If the device is deselected during erasure or programming, the device draws ac-
tive current until the operation is completed.
Refer to the “DC Characteristics” section on page 86 for the standby current
Automatic Sleep Mode
The automatic sleep mode minimizes Flash device energy consumption. The de-
vice automatically enables this mode when addresses remain stable for t
30 ns. The automatic sleep mode is independent of the CE#, WE#, and OE# con-
18 S29GLxxxN MirrorBitTM Flash Family 27631A4 May 13, 2004
Advance Information
trol signals. Standard address access timings provide new data when addresses
are changed. While in sleep mode, output data is latched and always available to
the system. Refer to the “DC Characteristics” section on page 86 for the
automatic sleep mode current specification.
RESET#: Hardware Reset Pin
The RESET# pin provides a hardware method of resetting the device to reading
array data. When the RESET# pin is driven low for at least a period of t
, the
device immediately terminates any operation in progress, tristates all output
pins, and ignores all read/write commands for the duration of the RESET# pulse.
The device also resets the internal state machine to reading array data. The op-
eration that was interrupted should be reinitiated once the device is ready to
accept another command sequence, to ensure data integrity.
Current is reduced for the duration of the RESET# pulse. When RESET# is held
at V
±0.3 V, the device draws CMOS standby current (I
). If RESET# is held
at V
but not within V
±0.3 V, the standby current will be greater.
The RESET# pin may be tied to the system reset circuitry. A system reset would
thus also reset the Flash memory, enabling the system to read the boot-up firm-
ware from the Flash memory.
Refer to the AC Characteristics tables for RESET# parameters and to Figure 13
for the timing diagram.
Output Disable Mode
When the OE# input is at V
, output from the device is disabled. The output pins
are placed in the high impedance state.
Table 2. Sector Address Table–S29GL512N
Sector A24–A16
Sector Size
Address Range
(in hexadecimal)
Address Range
(in hexadecimal)
SA0 000000000 128/64 0000000–001FFFF 0000000–000FFFF
SA1 000000001 128/64 0020000–003FFFF 0010000–001FFFF
SA2 000000010 128/64 0040000–005FFFF 0020000–002FFFF
SA3 000000011 128/64 0060000–007FFFF 0030000–003FFFF
SA4 000000100 128/64 0080000–009FFFF 0040000–004FFFF
SA5 000000101 128/64 00A0000–00BFFFF 0050000–005FFFF
SA6 000000110 128/64 00C0000–00DFFFF 0060000–006FFFF
SA7 000000111 128/64 00E0000–00FFFFF 0070000–007FFFF
SA8 000001000 128/64 0100000–011FFFF 0080000–008FFFF
SA9 000001001 128/64 0120000–013FFFF 0090000–009FFFF
SA10 000001010 128/64 0140000–015FFFF 00A0000–00AFFFF
SA11 000001011 128/64 0160000–017FFFF 00B0000–00BFFFF
SA12 000001100 128/64 0180000–019FFFF 00C0000–00CFFFF
SA13 000001101 128/64 01A0000–01BFFFF 00D0000–00DFFFF