108 S29GLxxxN MirrorBitTM Flash Family 27631A4 May 13, 2004
Advance Information
Revision A+2 (January 22, 2004)
Lock Register
Corrected and added new text for SecSi Sector Protection Bit, Persistent Protec-
tion Mode Lock Bit, and Password Protection Mode Lock Bit.
Persistent Sector Protection
Persistent Protection Bit (PPB): Added the second paragraph text about program-
ming the PPB bit.
Persistent Protection Bit Lock (PPB Lock Bit): Added the second paragraph text
about configuring the PPB Lock Bit, and fourth paragraph on Autoselect Sector
Protection Verification.
Added PPB Lock Bit requirement of 200ns access time.
Password Sector Protection
Corrected 1 µs (built-in delay for each password check) to 2 µs.
Lock Register Command Set Definitions
Added new information for this section.
Password Protection Command Set Definitions
Added new information for this section.
Non-Volatile Sector Protection Command Set Definitions
Added new information for this section.
Global Volatile Sector Protection Freeze Command Set
Added new information for this section.
Volatile Sector Protection Command Set
Added new information for this section.
SecSi Sector Entry Command
Added new information for this section.
SecSi Sector Exit Command
Added new information for this section.
Revision A+3 (March 2, 2004)
Connection Diagrams
Removed 56-pin reverse TSOP diagram.
Ordering Information
Updated the Standard Products for the S29GL512/256/128N devices and modi-
fied the valid combinations tables.
Word Program Command Sequence
Added new information to this section.
Lock Register Command Set Definitions
Added new information to this section.
Table 13
Updated this table.