May 13, 2004 27631A4 S29GLxxxN MirrorBitTM Flash Family 57
Advance Information
Ta b l e 1 1 . Primary Vendor-Specific Extended Query
Command Definitions
Writing specific address and data commands or sequences into the command
register initiates device operations. Table 12 and Table 13 define the valid register
command sequences. Writing incorrect address and data values or writing them
in the improper sequence may place the device in an unknown state. A reset com-
mand is then required to return the device to reading array data.
All addresses are latched on the falling edge of WE# or CE#, whichever happens
later. All data is latched on the rising edge of WE# or CE#, whichever happens
first. Refer to the AC Characteristics section for timing diagrams.
(x8) Data Description
Query-unique ASCII string “PRI”
43h 86h 0031h Major version number, ASCII
44h 88h 0033h Minor version number, ASCII
45h 8Ah 0010h
Address Sensitive Unlock (Bits 1-0)
0 = Required, 1 = Not Required
Process Technology (Bits 7-2) 0100b = 110 nm MirrorBit
46h 8Ch 0002h
Erase Suspend
0 = Not Supported, 1 = To Read Only, 2 = To Read & Write
47h 8Eh 0001h
Sector Protect
0 = Not Supported, X = Number of sectors in per group
48h 90h 0000h
Sector Temporary Unprotect
00 = Not Supported, 01 = Supported
49h 92h 0008h
Sector Protect/Unprotect scheme
0008h = Advanced Sector Protection
4Ah 94h 0000h
Simultaneous Operation
00 = Not Supported, X = Number of Sectors in Bank
4Bh 96h 0000h
Burst Mode Type
00 = Not Supported, 01 = Supported
4Ch 98h 0002h
Page Mode Type
00 = Not Supported, 01 = 4 Word Page, 02 = 8 Word Page
4Dh 9Ah 00B5h
ACC (Acceleration) Supply Minimum
00h = Not Supported, D7-D4: Volt, D3-D0: 100 mV
4Eh 9Ch 00C5h
ACC (Acceleration) Supply Maximum
00h = Not Supported, D7-D4: Volt, D3-D0: 100 mV
4Fh 9Eh 00xxh
WP# Protection
04h = Uniform sectors bottom WP# protect, 05h = Uniform sectors
top WP# protect
50h A0h 0001h
Program Suspend
00h = Not Supported, 01h = Supported