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Part # S29GL256N10TFI020
Description NOR Flash Parallel 3.3V 256M-bit 32M x 8/16M x 16 100ns 56
Category IC
Availability In Stock
Qty 2
Qty Price
1 + $11.48011
Manufacturer Available Qty
Date Code: 0623
  • Shipping Freelance Stock: 2
    Ships Immediately

Technical Document

DISCLAIMER: The information provided herein is solely for informational purposes. Customers must be aware of the suitability of this product for their application, and consider that variable factors such as Manufacturer, Product Category, Date Codes, Pictures and Descriptions may differ from available inventory.

46 S29GLxxxN MirrorBitTM Flash Family 27631A4 May 13, 2004
Advance Information
using the Persistent Sector Protection method, they must set the Persistent
Sector Protection Mode Locking Bit. This will permanently set the part to op-
erate only using Persistent Sector Protection. If the customer decides to use the
password method, they must set the Password Mode Locking Bit. This will
permanently set the part to operate only using password sector protection.
It is important to remember that setting either the Persistent Sector Protec-
tion Mode Locking Bit or the Password Mode Locking Bit permanently
selects the protection mode. It is not possible to switch between the two methods
once a locking bit has been set. It is important that one mode is explicitly
selected when the device is first programmed, rather than relying on the
default mode alone. This is so that it is not possible for a system program or
virus to later set the Password Mode Locking Bit, which would cause an unex-
pected shift from the default Persistent Sector Protection Mode into the Password
Protection Mode.
The device is shipped with all sectors unprotected. The factory offers the option
of programming and protecting sectors at the factory prior to shipping the device
through the ExpressFlash™ Service. Contact your sales representative for details.
It is possible to determine whether a sector is protected or unprotected. See “Au-
toselect Command Sequence” section on page 58 for details.
Advanced Sector Protection
Advanced Sector Protection features several levels of sector protection, which can
disable both the program and erase operations in certain sectors.
Persistent Sector Protection is a method that replaces the old 12V controlled
protection method.
Password Sector Protection is a highly sophisticated protection method that
requires a password before changes to certain sectors are permitted.
Advanced Sector Protection is available when ACC = V
Lock Register
The Lock Register consists of 3 bits (DQ2, DQ1, and DQ0). These DQ2, DQ1, DQ0
bits of the Lock Register are programmable by the user. Users are not allowed to
program both DQ2 and DQ1 bits of the Lock Register to the 00 state. If the user
tries to program DQ2 and DQ1 bits of the Lock Register to the 00 state, the device
will abort the Lock Register back to the default 11 state. The programming time
of the Lock Register is same as the typical word programming time without uti-
lizing the Write Buffer of the device. During a Lock Register programming
sequence execution, the DQ6 Toggle Bit I will toggle until the programming of the
Lock Register has completed to indicate programming status. All Lock Register
bits are readable to allow users to verify Lock Register statuses. Initial access
delay is required to read the Lock Register.
The Customer SecSi Sector Protection Bit is DQ0, Persistent Protection Mode Lock
Bit is DQ1, and Password Protection Mode Lock Bit is DQ2 are accessible by all
users. Each of these bits are non-volatile. DQ15-DQ3 are reserved and must be
1's when the user tries to program the DQ2, DQ1, and DQ0 bits of the Lock Reg-
ister. The user is not required to program DQ2, DQ1 and DQ0 bits of the Lock
Register at the same time. This allows users to lock the SecSi Sector and then set
the device either permanently into Password Protection Mode or Persistent Pro-
tection Mode and then lock the SEcSi Sector at separate instances and time
May 13, 2004 27631A4 S29GLxxxN MirrorBitTM Flash Family 47
Advance Information
SecSi Sector Protection allows the user to lock the SecSi Sector area
Persistent Protection Mode Lock Bit allows the user to set the device perma-
nently to operate in the Persistent Protection Mode
Password Protection Mode Lock Bit allows the user to set the device perma-
nently to operate in the Password Protection Mode
Ta b l e 6 . Lock Register
Persistent Sector Protection
The Persistent Sector Protection method replaces the old 12 V controlled protec-
tion method while at the same time enhancing flexibility by providing three
different sector protection states:
Dynamically Locked-The sector is protected and can be changed by a sim-
ple command
Persistently Locked-A sector is protected and cannot be changed
Unlocked-The sector is unprotected and can be changed by a simple com-
In order to achieve these states, three types of “bits” are going to be used:
Dynamic Protection Bit (DYB)
A volatile protection bit is assigned for each sector. After power-up or hardware
reset, the contents of all DYB bits are in the “unprotected state” if the DYB Lock
Bit of the “Lock Register” is not programmed. If the DYB Lock Bit of the “Lock
Register” is programmed, all DYB bits will power-up or hardware reset to the
“protected state”. Each DYB is individually modifiable through the DYB Set Com-
mand and DYB Clear Command. When the parts are first shipped, all of the
Persistent Protect Bits (PPB) are cleared into the unprotected state. The DYB bits
and PPB Lock bit are defaulted to power up in the cleared state or unprotected
state - meaning the all PPB bits are changeable.
The Protection State for each sector is determined by the logical OR of the PPB
and the DYB related to that sector. For the sectors that have the PPB bits cleared,
the DYB bits control whether or not the sector is protected or unprotected. By is-
suing the DYB Set and DYB Clear command sequences, the DYB bits will be
protected or unprotected, thus placing each sector in the protected or unpro-
tected state. These are the so-called Dynamic Locked or Unlocked states. They
are called dynamic states because it is very easy to switch back and forth be-
tween the protected and un-protected conditions. This allows software to easily
protect sectors against inadvertent changes yet does not prevent the easy re-
moval of protection when changes are needed.
The DYB bits maybe set or cleared as often as needed. The PPB bits allow for a
more static, and difficult to change, level of protection. The PPB bits retain their
state across power cycles because they are Non-Volatile. Individual PPB bits are
set with a program command but must all be cleared as a group through an erase
The PPB Lock Bit adds an additional level of protection. Once all PPB bits are pro-
grammed to the desired settings, the PPB Lock Bit may be set to the “freeze
DQ15-3 DQ2 DQ1 DQ0
Don’t Care
Password Protection
Mode Lock Bit
Persistent Protection
Mode Lock Bit
SecSi Sector
Protection Bit
48 S29GLxxxN MirrorBitTM Flash Family 27631A4 May 13, 2004
Advance Information
state”. Setting the PPB Lock Bit to the “freeze state” disables all program and
erase commands to the Non-Volatile PPB bits. In effect, the PPB Lock Bit locks the
PPB bits into their current state. The only way to clear the PPB Lock Bit to the
“unfreeze state” is to go through a power cycle, or hardware reset. The Software
Reset command will not clear the PPB Lock Bit to the “unfreeze state”. System
boot code can determine if any changes to the PPB bits are needed e.g. to allow
new system code to be downloaded. If no changes are needed then the boot code
can set the PPB Lock Bit to disable any further changes to the PPB bits during
system operation.
The WP# write protect pin adds a final level of hardware protection. When this
pin is low it is not possible to change the contents of the WP# protected sectors.
These sectors generally hold system boot code. So, the WP# pin can prevent any
changes to the boot code that could override the choices made while setting up
sector protection during system initialization.
It is possible to have sectors that have been persistently locked, and sectors that
are left in the dynamic state. The sectors in the dynamic state are all unprotected.
If there is a need to protect some of them, a simple DYB Set command sequence
is all that is necessary. The DYB Set and DYB Clear commands for the dynamic
sectors switch the DYB bits to signify protected and unprotected, respectively. If
there is a need to change the status of the persistently locked sectors, a few more
steps are required. First, the PPB Lock Bit must be disabled to the “unfreeze
state” by either putting the device through a power-cycle, or hardware reset. The
PPB bits can then be changed to reflect the desired settings. Setting the PPB Lock
Bit once again to the “freeze state” will lock the PPB bits, and the device operates
normally again.
Note: to achieve the best protection, it's recommended to execute the PPB Lock
Bit Set command early in the boot code, and protect the boot code by holding
WP# = V
Persistent Protection Bit (PPB)
A single Persistent (non-volatile) Protection Bit is assigned to each sector. If a PPB
is programmed to the protected state through the “PPB Program” command, that
sector will be protected from program or erase operations will be read-only. If a
PPB requires erasure, all of the sector PPB bits must first be erased in parallel
through the “All PPB Erase” command. The “All PPB Erase” command will prepro-
grammed all PPB bits prior to PPB erasing. All PPB bits erase in parallel, unlike
programming where individual PPB bits are programmable. The PPB bits have the
same endurance as the flash memory.
Programming the PPB bit requires the typical word programming time without uti-
lizing the Write Buffer. During a PPB bit programming and A11 PPB bit erasing
sequence execution, the DQ6 Toggle Bit I will toggle until the programming of the
PPB bit or erasing of all PPB bits has completed to indicate programming and
erasing status. Erasing all of the PPB bits at once requires typical sector erase
time. During the erasing of all PPB bits, the DQ3 Sector Erase Timer bit will output
a 1 to indicate the erasure of all PPB bits are in progress. When the erasure of all
PPB bits has completed, the DQ3 Sector Erase Timer bit will output a 0 to indicate
that all PPB bits have been erased. Reading the PPB Status bit requires the initial
access time of the device.