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Part # 89V54RD
Category IC
Availability In Stock
Qty 61
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Date Code: 0619
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Silicon Storage Technology
Date Code: 0619
  • Shipping Freelance Stock: 27
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Technical Document

DISCLAIMER: The information provided herein is solely for informational purposes. Customers must be aware of the suitability of this product for their application, and consider that variable factors such as Manufacturer, Product Category, Date Codes, Pictures and Descriptions may differ from available inventory.

Data Sheet
FlashFlex51 MCU
SST89E52RD2/RD / SST89E54RD2/RD / SST89E58RD2/RD
SST89V52RD2/RD / SST89V54RD2/RD / SST89V58RD2/RD
©2006 Silicon Storage Technology, Inc. S71255-05-000 5/06
Symbol Function
EXTRAM Internal/External RAM access
0: Internal Expanded RAM access within range of 00H to 2FFH using MOVX @Ri /
@DPTR. Beyond 300H, the MCU always accesses external data memory.
For details, refer to Section 3.4, “Expanded Data RAM Addressing” .
1: External data memory access.
AO Disable/Enable ALE
0: ALE is emitted at a constant rate of 1/3 the oscillator frequency in 6 clock mode, 1/6 f
12 clock mode.
1: ALE is active only during a MOVX or MOVC instruction.
Symbol Function
GF2 General purpose user-defined flag.
DPS DPTR registers select bit.
0: DPTR0 is selected.
1: DPTR1 is selected.
Symbol Function
WDOUT Watchdog output enable.
0: Watchdog reset will not be exported on Reset pin.
1: Watchdog reset if enabled by WDRE, will assert Reset pin for 32 clocks.
WDRE Watchdog timer reset enable.
0: Disable watchdog timer reset.
1: Enable watchdog timer reset.
WDTS Watchdog timer reset flag.
0: External hardware reset or power-on reset clears the flag.
Flag can also be cleared by writing a 1.
Flag survives if chip reset happened because of watchdog timer overflow.
1: Hardware sets the flag on watchdog overflow.
WDT Watchdog timer refresh.
0: Hardware resets the bit when refresh is done.
1: Software sets the bit to force a watchdog timer refresh.
SWDT Start watchdog timer.
0: Stop WDT.
1: Start WDT.
Auxiliary Register (AUXR)
Location76543210Reset Value
Auxiliary Register 1 (AUXR1)
Location76543210Reset Value
Watchdog Timer Control Register (WDTC)
Location76543210Reset Value
C0H - - - WDOUT WDRE WDTS WDT SWDT xxx00000b
Data Sheet
FlashFlex51 MCU
SST89E52RD2/RD / SST89E54RD2/RD / SST89E58RD2/RD
SST89V52RD2/RD / SST89V54RD2/RD / SST89V58RD2/RD
©2006 Silicon Storage Technology, Inc. S71255-05-000 5/06
Symbol Function
WDTD Initial/Reload value in Watchdog Timer. New value won’t be effective until WDT is set.
Symbol Function
CF PCA Counter Overflow Flag
Set by hardware when the counter rolls over. CF flags an interrupt if bit ECF in CMOD
is set. CF may be set by either hardware or software, but can only cleared by software.
CR PCA Counter Run control bit
Set by software to turn the PCA counter on. Must be cleared by software to turn the
PCA counter off.
- Not implemented, reserved for future use.
Note: User should not write ‘1’s to reserved bits. The value read from a reserved bit is indeterminate.
CCF4 PCA Module 4 interrupt flag. Set by hardware when a match or capture occurs.
Must be cleared by software.
CCF3 PCA Module 3 interrupt flag. Set by hardware when a match or capture occurs.
Must be cleared by software.
CCF2 PCA Module 2 interrupt flag. Set by hardware when a match or capture occurs.
Must be cleared by software.
CCF1 PCA Module 1 interrupt flag. Set by hardware when a match or capture occurs.
Must be cleared by software.
CCF0 PCA Module 0 interrupt flag. Set by hardware when a match or capture occurs.
Must be cleared by software.
Watchdog Timer Data/Reload Register (WDTD)
Location76543210Reset Value
85H Watchdog Timer Data/Reload 00H
PCA Timer/Counter Control Register
1. Bit addressable
Location76543210Reset Value
D8H CF CR - CCF4 CCF3 CCF2 CCF1 CCF0 00x00000b
Data Sheet
FlashFlex51 MCU
SST89E52RD2/RD / SST89E54RD2/RD / SST89E58RD2/RD
SST89V52RD2/RD / SST89V54RD2/RD / SST89V58RD2/RD
©2006 Silicon Storage Technology, Inc. S71255-05-000 5/06
Symbol Function
CIDL Counter Idle Control:
0: Programs the PCA Counter to continue functioning during idle mode
1: Programs the PCA Counter to be gated off during idle
WDTE Watchdog Timer Enable:
0: Disables Watchdog Timer function on PCA module 4
1: Enables Watchdog Timer function on PCA module 4
- Not implemented, reserved for future use.
Note: User should not write ‘1’s to reserved bits. The value read from a reserved bit is indeterminate.
CPS1 PCA Count Pulse Select bit 1
CPS0 PCA Count Pulse Select bit 2
ECF PCA Enable Counter Overflow interrupt:
0: Disables the CF bit in CCON
1: Enables CF bit in CCON to generate an interrupt
PCA Timer/Counter Mode Register
Location76543210Reset Value
D9H CIDL WDTE - - - CPS1 CPS0 ECF 00xxx000b
1. Not bit addressable
PCA Input
1. f
= oscillator frequency
00 0
Internal clock, f
/6 in 6 clock mode (f
/12 in 12 clock mode)
01 1
Internal clock, f
/2 in 6 clock mode (f
/4 in 12 clock mode)
10 2
Timer 0 overflow
11 3
External clock at ECI/P1.2 pin
(max. rate = f
/4 in 6 clock mode, f
/8 in 12 clock mode)