Data Sheet
FlashFlex51 MCU
SST89E52RD2/RD / SST89E54RD2/RD / SST89E58RD2/RD
SST89V52RD2/RD / SST89V54RD2/RD / SST89V58RD2/RD
©2006 Silicon Storage Technology, Inc. S71255-05-000 5/06
The user could use the possible addresses above to select
slave 3 only. Another combination could be to select slave 2
and 3 only as shown below.
More than one slave may have the same SADDR address
as well, and a given address could be used to modify the
address so that it is unique. Using the Broadcast Address to Select Slaves
Using the broadcast address, the master can communicate
with all the slaves at once. It is formed by performing a logi-
cal OR of SADDR and SADEN with ‘0’s in the result treated
as “don’t cares”.
“Don’t cares” allow for a wider range in defining the broad-
cast address, but in most cases, the broadcast address will
be FFH.
On reset, SADDR and SADEN are “0”. This produces an
given address of all “don’t cares” as well as a broadcast
address of all “don’t cares.” This effectively disables Auto-
matic Addressing mode and allows the microcontroller to
function as a standard 8051, which does not make use of
this feature.
6.2 Serial Peripheral Interface
6.2.1 SPI Features
• Master or slave operation
• 10 MHz bit frequency (max)
• LSB first or MSB first data transfer
• Four programmable bit rates
• End of transmission (SPIF)
• Write collision flag protection (WCOL)
• Wake up from idle mode (slave mode only)
6.2.2 SPI Description
The serial peripheral interface (SPI) allows high-speed syn-
chronous data transfer between the SST89E/V5xRDx and
peripheral devices or between several SST89E/V5xRDx
Figure 6-4 shows the correspondence between master
and slave SPI devices. The SCK pin is the clock output and
input for the master and slave modes, respectively. The SPI
clock generator will start following a write to the master
devices SPI data register. The written data is then shifted
out of the MOSI pin on the master device into the MOSI pin
of the slave device. Following a complete transmission of
one byte of data, the SPI clock generator is stopped and
the SPIF flag is set. An SPI interrupt request will be gener-
ated if the SPI Interrupt Enable bit (SPIE) and the Serial
Port Interrupt Enable bit (ES) are both set.
An external master drives the Slave Select input pin, SS#/
P1[4], low to select the SPI module as a slave. If SS#/P1[4]
has not been driven low, then the slave SPI unit is not
active and the MOSI/P1[5] port can also be used as an
input port pin.
CPHA and CPOL control the phase and polarity of the SPI
clock. Figures 6-5 and 6-6 show the four possible combina-
tions of these two bits.
FIGURE 6-4: SPI Master-slave Interconnection
Select Slave 3 Only
Slave 2 Given Address Possible Addresses
1111 X0X1 1111 1011
1111 1001
Select Slaves 2 and 3 Only
Slaves 2 and 3 Possible Addresses
1111 0011
Slave 1
1111 0001 = SADDR
+1111 1010 = SADEN
1111 1X11 = Broadcast
1255 F19.0
8-bit Shift Register
MSB Master LSB
Clock Generator
8-bit Shift Register