Freelance Electronics Components Distributor
Closed Dec 25th-26th
We Stock Hard to Find Parts


Part # 628B103
Description RES ARRAY 10K OHM 15 RES 16SOIC
Category IC
Availability Out of Stock
Qty 0
Qty Price
1 + $0.38760

Technical Document

DISCLAIMER: The information provided herein is solely for informational purposes. Customers must be aware of the suitability of this product for their application, and consider that variable factors such as Manufacturer, Product Category, Date Codes, Pictures and Descriptions may differ from available inventory.

MODELS 627, 628
Model 627, 628 Series
General Note
TT electronics reserves the right to make changes in product specification without notice or liability.
All information is subject to TT electronics’ own data and is considered accurate at time of going to print.
© TT electronics plc
.220” Small Outline
Thick Film
Surface Mount
Resistor Networks
RoHS Compliant
Standard Resistance Range, Ohms 10 to 1Meg (Plus “0” Ohm Jumper)
Standard Resistance Tolerance, at 25°C
±2%(<33Ω = ±1 Ohm)
(Optional: F Tol. = ±1%)
Operating Temperature Range -55°C to +125°C
Temperature Coefficient of Resistance ±100ppm/°C (<100Ω = ±250ppm/°C)
Temperature Coefficient of Resistance, Tracking ±50ppm/°C
Maximum Operating Voltage 50Vdc or PR
Insulation Resistance 10,000 Megohms
Thermal Shock plus Power Conditioning ΔR 0.70%
Short Time Overload ΔR 0.25%
Moisture Resistance ΔR 0.50%
Mechanical Shock ΔR 0.25%
Vibration ΔR 0.25%
Low Temperature Operation ΔR 0.25%
High Temperature Exposure ΔR 0.50%
Load Life, 2000 Hours (330Ω = ±0.5 Ohm) ΔR 0.50%
Resistance to Solder Heat (Total Immersion in solder at 280°C for 10 sec.) ΔR 0.25%
Dielectric Withstanding Voltage 200V for 1 minute
Temperature Exposure, Maximum 215°C for 3 minutes
Marking Permanency MIL-STD-202, Method 215
Lead Solderability MIL-STD-202, Method 208
Flammability UL-94V-0 Rated
Storage Temperature Range –55°C to +150°C
MODELS 627, 628
Model 627, 628 Series
General Note
TT electronics reserves the right to make changes in product specification without notice or liability.
All information is subject to TT electronics’ own data and is considered accurate at time of going to print.
© TT electronics plc
Lead Material 96-96.5%Sn, 3.5-4%Ag
Lead Configuration Gull Wing
Lead Coplanarity ±0.002 in. (0.051mm)
Substrate Material Alumina
Resistor Material Cermet
Body Material Epoxy
A Circuit (Isolated Resistors)
Bold type represents stock standard values for ‘A’ Circuit
B Circuit (Bussed Resistors)
Bold type represents stock standard values for ‘B’ Circuit
Ohms Code Ohms Code Ohms Code Ohms Code Ohms Code Ohms Code
22 220 1.2K 122 39K 393 22 220 1.2K 122 39K 393
33 330 1.5K 152 47K 473 33 330 1.5K 152 47K 473
39 390 1.8K 182 56K 563 39 390 1.8K 182 56K 563
47 470 2K 202 68K 683 47 470 2K 202 68K 683
56 560 2.2K 222 82K 823 56 560 2.2K 222 82K 823
68 680 2.7K 272 100K 104 68 680 2.7K 272 100K 104
82 820 3.3K 332 120K 124 82 820 3.3K 332 120K 124
100 101 3.9K 392 150K 154 100 101 3.9K 392 150K 154
120 121 4.7K 472 180K 184 120 121 4.7K 472 180K 184
150 151 5.6K 562 220K 224 150 151 5.6K 562 220K 224
180 181 6.8K 682 270K 274 180 181 6.8K 682 270K 274
220 221 8.2K 822 330K 334 220 221 8.2K 822 330K 334
270 271 10K 103 390K 394 270 271 10K 103 390K 394
330 331 12K 123 470K 474 330 331 12K 123 470K 474
390 391 15K 153 560K 564 390 391 15K 153 560K 564
470 471 18K 183 680K 684 470 471 18K 183 680K 684
560 561 20K 203 820K 824 560 561 20K 203 820K 824
680 681 22K 223 1 Meg 105 680 681 22K 223 1 Meg 105
820 821 27K 273 820 821 27K 273
1K 102 33K 333 1K 102 33K 333
Standard Resistance Values, Ohms
J Circuit (Dual Terminators)
Ohms (R1/R2) Code (R1/R2) Marking Ohms (R1/R2) Code (R1/R2) Marking
120/120 121/121 45 330/470 331/471 10
150/150 151/151 40 390/390 391/391 42
180/300 181/301 31 470/470 471/471 43
220/220 221/221 39 1K/3.3K 102/332 35
220/330 221/331 08 3K/6.2K 302/662 13
270/270 221/331 41 6.8K/22K 682/223 29
330/390 331/391 09 - - -
MODELS 627, 628
Model 627, 628 Series
General Note
TT electronics reserves the right to make changes in product specification without notice or liability.
All information is subject to TT electronics’ own data and is considered accurate at time of going to print.
© TT electronics plc
Outline Dimensions (Inch/mm)
Note: Maximum allowable mold excursion = 0.006”
Note: Model 628: N = 16 Leads, Model 627: N = 14 Leads
Solder Pad Layout (Inch/mm)
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