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Technical Document

DISCLAIMER: The information provided herein is solely for informational purposes. Customers must be aware of the suitability of this product for their application, and consider that variable factors such as Manufacturer, Product Category, Date Codes, Pictures and Descriptions may differ from available inventory.
4.11.2 DAC Filters De-emphasis Filters DAC Digital Effects Filter
TLV320AIC3104EVM Software
Figure 18. DAC Filters
The de-emphasis filters used in the TLV320AIC 3104 can be programmed as described in the
TLV320AIC3104 data sheet, using this tab (Figure 19 ). Enter the coefficients for the de-emphasis filter
response desired. While on this tab, the de-emphasis response will be shown on the Effect Filter
Response graph; however, note that this response is not included in graphs of other effect responses
when on the other filter design tabs.
Figure 19. De-emphasis Filters
The digital audio input stream can be routed through the digital effects filter in the codec before routing to
the DAC to allow custom audio performance. The digital effects filter cannot operate on both the ADC or
DAC at the same time. The digital effects filter operation is discussed in Section 4.11.3
SLAU218 August 2007 TLV320AIC3104EVM and TLV320AIC3104EVM-PDK 25
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4.11.3 Digital Effects Filters Shelf Filters
TLV320AIC3104EVM Software
The digital effect filters (the biquad filters) of the TLV320AIC3104 are selected using the check boxes
shown in Figure 20 . The De-emphasis filters are described in the TLV320AIC3104 data sheet, and their
coefficients may be changed (see Figure 18 ).
Figure 20. Enabling Filters
When designing filters for use with TLV320AIC3104, the software allows for several different filter types to
be used. These options are shown on a tab control in the lower left corner of the screen. When a filter
type is selected, and suitable input parameters defined, the response will be shown in the Effect Filter
Response graph. Regardless of the setting for enabling the Effect Filter, the filter coefficients are not
loaded into the TLV320AIC3104 until the Download Coefficients button is pressed. To avoid noise during
the update of coefficients, it is recommended that the user uncheck the Effect Filter enable check boxes
before downloading coefficients. Once the desired coefficients are in the TLV320AIC3104, enable the
Effect Filters by checking the boxes again.
A shelf filter is a simple filter that applies a gain (positive or negative) to frequencies above or below a
certain corner frequency. As shown in Figure 21 , in Bass mode a shelf filter applies a gain to frequencies
below the corner frequency; in Treble mode the gain is applied to frequencies above the corner frequency.
Figure 21. Shelf Filters
To use these filters, enter the gain desired and the corner frequency. Choose the mode to use ( Bass or
Treble); the response will be plotted on the Effect Filter Response graph.
TLV320AIC3104EVM and TLV320AIC3104EVM-PDK26 SLAU218 August 2007
Submit Documentation Feedback EQ Filters Analog Simulation Filters
TLV320AIC3104EVM Software
EQ, or parametric, filters can be designed on this tab (see Figure 22 ). Enter a gain, bandwidth, and a
center frequency (Fc). Either bandpass (positive gain) or band-reject (negative gain) filters can be created
Figure 22. EQ Filters
Biquads are quite good at simulating analog filter designs. For each biquad section on this tab, enter the
desired analog filter type to simulate (Butterworth, Chebyshev, Inverse Chebyshev, Elliptic or Bessel).
Parameter entry boxes appropriate to the filter type will be shown (ripple, for example, with Chebyshev
filters, etc.). Enter the desired design parameters and the response will be shown. (See Figure 23 .)
Figure 23. Analog Simulation Filters
SLAU218 August 2007 TLV320AIC3104EVM and TLV320AIC3104EVM-PDK 27
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