TLV320AIC3104EVM Software
In similar fashion, the GPIO2 pin can configured as the following using the Function control in the GPIO2
group box.
• An alternate I
S bus
• An interrupt output
• A general-purpose I/O pin
• A digital microphone input
The other controls in this group box work the same as the corresponding controls for GPIO1.
When the control interface for the TLV320AIC3104 is selected to be I
C, the SDA and SCL group boxes
and controls within them are disabled. If SPI mode is selected, however, the SDA and SCL pins can be
used as GPIO, and selected as either inputs or outputs using the SDA Function and SCL Function
controls. The Output Level and Input Level controls function for these pins in the same way that they do
for GPIO1 or GPIO2.
When the control interface for the TLV320AIC3104 is selected to be SPI, the Multifunction Pins group
box and controls within it are disabled, because these pins are used by the SPI bus. When in I
C mode,
however, these controls are enabled. The MFP3 Function control selects MFP3 to be used either as a
General Purpose Input or as the data input line for the alternate I
S bus. The MFP2 Function control
selects MFP2 as either Disabled or as a General Purpose Output. When used as an output, the MFP2
Output Level control sets the output state of the MFP2 pin either high or low. The states of the MFP0,
MFP1 and MP3 inputs are indicated by the three indicator lights on the right-hand side of this group box.
TLV320AIC3104EVM and TLV320AIC3104EVM-PDK20 SLAU218 – August 2007
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