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Technical Document

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TLV320AIC3104EVM Software
If the I
C address is desired to be changed at any time during normal operation of the EVM, this menu can
also be accessed from the pulldown menu under the Configuration item. This function can be used to help
program multiple devices.
Figure 5. I
C Address Selection Window
Note: For operation of the EVM in the default status, no changes are required on this panel. The
default settings are A1=A0=0. Changes to this panel are only required when operating the
EVM with a specific I
C address (other than default) or when evaluating multiple EVM.
TLV320AIC3104EVM and TLV320AIC3104EVM-PDK10 SLAU218 August 2007
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4.3 Front Page Indicators and Functions
TLV320AIC3104EVM Software
Figure 2 illustrates the main screen of the EVM software. The indicators and buttons located above the
tabbed section of the front page are visible regardless of which tab is currently being selected.
At the top left of the screen is an Interface indicator. This indicator shows which interface is selected for
controlling the TLV320AIC3104, either I
C or SPI.
To the right of the Interface indicator is a group box called . This box indicates where the firmware being
used is operating from—in this release, the firmware is on the USB-MODEVM, so the user should see
USB-MODEVM in the box labeled Located On:. The version of the firmware appears in the Version box
below this.
To the right, the next group box contains controls for resetting the TLV320AIC3104. A software reset can
be done by writing to a register in the TLV320AIC3104, and this is accomplished by pushing the button
labeled Software Reset. The TLV320AIC3104 also may be reset by toggling a pin on the
TLV320AIC3104, which is done by pushing the Hardware Reset button.
In order to perform a hardware reset, the RESET jumper (JMP19) must be
installed and SW2-7 on the USB-MODEVM must be turned OFF. Failure to do
either of these steps results in not generating a hardware reset or causing
unstable operation of the EVM, which may require cycling power to the
Below the Firmware box, the Device Connected LED should be green when the EVM is connected. If the
indicator is red, the EVM is not properly connected to the PC. Disconnect the EVM and verify that the
drivers were correctly installed, then reconnect and try restarting the software.
One the upper right portion of the screen, several indicators are located which provide the status of
various portions of the TLV320AIC3104. These indicators are activated by pressing the Indicator
Updates button below the Device Connected LED. These indicators, as well as the other indicators on
this panel, are updated only when the software's front panel is inactive, once every 20ms.
The ADC Overflow and DAC Overflow indicators light when the overflow flags are set in the
TLV320AIC3104. Below these indicators are the AGC Noise Threshold Exceeded indicators that show
when the AGC noise threshold is exceeded. To the far right of the screen, the Short Circuit Detect
indicators show when a short-circuit condition is detected, if this feature has been enabled. Below the
short-circuit indicators, the AGC Gain Applied indicators use a bar graph to show the amount of gain
which has been applied by the AGC, and indicators that light when the AGC is saturated.
SLAU218 August 2007 TLV320AIC3104EVM and TLV320AIC3104EVM-PDK 11
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4.4 Default Configuration (Presets) Tab
TLV320AIC3104EVM Software
The Default Configuration Tab Figure 6 provides several different preset configurations of the codec. The
Preset Configurations buttons allow the user to choose from the provided defaults. When the selection is
made, the Preset Configuration Description are shows a summary of the codec setup associated with
the choice made. If the choice is acceptable, the Load button can be pressed and the preset configuration
will be loaded into the codec. The user can change to the Command Line Interface Tab (see Figure 30 )
to view the actual settings that were programmed into the codec.
Figure 6. Default Configuration Tab
TLV320AIC3104EVM and TLV320AIC3104EVM-PDK12 SLAU218 August 2007
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