1307819 Dimensions are in inches and Dimensions are shown for USA: 1-800-522-6752 Germany: 49-6251-133-1999
CIS WR 08/2011 millimeters unless otherwise reference purposes only. Canada: 1-905-475-6222 China: 86-400-820-6015
specified. Values in brackets Specifications subject Mexico: 52-55-1106-0800 Japan: 81-44-844-8013
te.com are metric equivalents. to change. L. & S. America: 54-11-4733-2200 UK: 44-800-267-666
AMPMODU Interconnection System
Application Tooling for Wire Crimp Contacts (Continued)
Application Tooling
Tooling shown on this page
is designed to terminate
wire crimp contacts used in
arious AMPMODU wire-to-
board connectors. Refer to
page 88 to determine the
applicable connectors.
System III is an automatic
machine for the production
f terminated wire leads.
The machine combines
state of the art technology
to process single and
double wire application
utilizing the wire processing
industry’s best and most
friendly subsystems and
accessories available to
meet the latest market
requirements for wire lead
The new machine
incorporates a servo-driven,
terminator and the next
generation System III
See catalog 1654956-5 for
more information.
Commercial grade hand
tool for crimping various
products. Features ratchet
control to provide complete
crimp cycle. Accepts both
pinned- and shouldered-
style die sets. Locators are
provided with pinned-style
die sets for proper contact
and wire positioning, and to
help minimize contact rota-
tion and bending during
crimping. Approximate
weight 1.3 lb [0.60 kg].
Your quality program calls
for more than a good
crimping system. It
demands proof - the proof
you get with the SLE Crimp
Force Monitor. It has high-
resolution piezo-quartz
sensor technology for a
more precise identification
of typical crimping faults.
The monitor features Zone &
Peak Force Analysis,
128x128 Dot Matrix, Force
Trigger and Encoder
Proximity Trigger, and
Absolute Force
Measurement for real-time
monitoring of every crimp.
The CFM can be used with
bench or fully-automatic
machines. Special
applicators are not required.
Sure, you can sample and
test crimp height with a
micrometer. In fact, that’s
how you standardize your
process. But for ongoing
quality control, testing every
crimp, SLE is the choice. It’s
known worldwide, and
meets our standards for a
high performance
terminating system. That’s
how you can be sure.
High quality crimping - with
verification - means higher
production and productivity.
AMPOMATOR System III Leadmaker
Crimp Force Monitor (CFM)
Premium CERTI-CRIMP Straight
Action Hand Tool (SAHT)
Hand Tool
TE hand tools are ideal for
small production and proto-
type applications. They fea-
ture ratchet control to help
eliminate partial crimps,
straight-line die closure, ter-
minal locator and support,
and insulation crimp adjust-
ment. TE hand tools also
can be adapted for use with
pneumatic tooling assem-
blies, providing air operated
crimping capabilities.
For further details on TE
straight action hand tools,
request TE Catalog 65780.
For more details on TE
pneumatic tooling assem-
blies, call the TE Technical
Support Center,