1307819 Dimensions are in inches and Dimensions are shown for USA: 1-800-522-6752 Germany: 49-6251-133-1999
CIS WR 08/2011 millimeters unless otherwise reference purposes only. Canada: 1-905-475-6222 China: 86-400-820-6015
specified. Values in brackets Specifications subject Mexico: 52-55-1106-0800 Japan: 81-44-844-8013
te.com are metric equivalents. to change. L. & S. America: 54-11-4733-2200 UK: 44-800-267-666
AMPMODU Interconnection System
MTE Headers, Shrouded Polarized/Latching,
Single-Row .100 [2.54] Centerline
Note: All part numbers are RoHS compliant.
MTE Headers
No. of
imensions Polarized/Latching Header With Swage Polarized/Latching Header Without Swage
Pos. ABCPlating A Plating B Plating C Plating A Plating B Plating C
2 .300 [7.62] .220 [5.59] .100 [2.54] 5-103908-1 5-104362-1 5-103669-1 5-103735-1 5-104363-1 5-103639-1
.400 [10.16] .320 [8.13] .200 [5.08] 5-103908-2 5-104362-2 5-103669-2 5-103735-2 5-104363-2 5-103639-2
.500 [12.70] .420 [10.67] .300 [7.62] 5-103908-3 5-104362-3 5-103669-3 5-103735-3 5-104363-3 5-103639-3
5 .600 [15.24] .520 [13.21] .400 [10.16] 5-103908-4 5-104362-4 5-103669-4 5-103735-4 5-104363-4 5-103639-4
.700 [17.78] .620 [15.75] .500 [12.70] 5-103908-5 5-104362-5 5-103669-5 5-103735-5 5-104363-5 5-103639-5
.800 [20.32] .720 [18.29] .600 [15.24] 5-103908-6 5-104362-6 5-103669-6 5-103735-6 5-104363-6 5-103639-6
8 .900 [22.86] .820 [20.83] .700 [17.78] 5-103908-7 5-104362-7 5-103669-7 5-103735-7 5-104363-7 5-103639-7
9 1.000 [25.40] .920 [23.37] .800 [20.32] 5-103908-8 5-104362-8 5-103669-8 5-103735-8 5-104363-8 5-103639-8
0 1.100 [27.94] 1.020 [25.91] .900 [22.86] 5-103908-9 5-104362-9 5-103669-9 5-103735-9 5-104363-9 5-103639-9
1 1.200 [30.48] 1.120 [28.45] 1.000 [25.40] 6-103908-0 6-104362-0 6-103669-0 6-103735-0 6-104363-0 6-103639-0
12 1.300 [33.02] 1.220 [30.99] 1.100 [27.94] 6-103908-1 6-104362-1 6-103669-1 6-103735-1 6-104363-1 6-103639-1
13 1.400 [35.56] 1.320 [33.53] 1.200 [30.48] 6-103908-2 6-104909-2 6-103669-2 6-103735-2 6-104910-2 6-103639-2
4 1.500 [38.10] 1.420 [36.07] 1.300 [33.02] 6-103908-3 6-104909-3 6-103669-3 6-103735-3 6-104910-3 6-103639-3
15 1.600 [40.64] 1.520 [38.61] 1.400 [35.56] 6-103908-4 6-104909-4 6-103669-4 6-103735-4 6-104910-4 6-103639-4
16 1.700 [43.18] 1.620 [41.15] 1.500 [38.10] 6-103908-5 6-104909-5 6-103669-5 6-103735-5 6-104910-5 6-103639-5
7 1.800 [45.72] 1.720 [43.69] 1.600 [40.64] 6-103908-6 6-104909-6 6-103669-6 6-103735-6 6-104910-6 6-103639-6
8 1.900 [48.26] 1.820 [46.23] 1.700 [43.18] 6-103908-7 6-104909-7 6-103669-7 6-103735-7 6-104910-7 6-103639-7
19 2.000 [50.80] 1.920 [48.77] 1.800 [45.72] 6-103908-8 6-104909-8 6-103669-8 6-103735-8 6-104910-8 6-103639-8
20 2.100 [53.34] 2.020 [51.31] 1.900 [48.26] 6-103908-9 6-104909-9 6-103669-9 6-103735-9 6-104910-9 6-103639-9
1 2.200 [55.88] 2.120 [53.85] 2.000 [50.80] 7-103908-0 7-104909-0 7-103669-0 7-103735-0 7-104910-0 7-103639-0
22 2.300 [58.42] 2.220 [56.39] 2.100 [53.34] 7-103908-1 7-104909-1 7-103669-1 7-103735-1 7-104910-1 7-103639-1
23 2.400 [60.96] 2.320 [58.93] 2.200 [55.88] 7-103908-2 7-104909-2 7-103669-2 7-103735-2 7-104910-2 7-103639-2
24 2.500 [63.50] 2.420 [61.47] 2.300 [58.42] 7-103908-3 7-104909-3 7-103669-3 7-103735-3 7-104910-3 7-103639-3
25 2.600 [66.04] 2.520 [64.01] 2.400 [60.96] 7-103908-4 7-104909-4 7-103669-4 7-103735-4 7-104910-4 7-103639-4
Notes: 1. Selectively loaded headers are available, consult TE.
2. Use Keying Tool No. 91417-1 to remove post for keying.