1307819 Dimensions are in inches and Dimensions are shown for USA: 1-800-522-6752 Germany: 49-6251-133-1999
CIS WR 08/2011 millimeters unless otherwise reference purposes only. Canada: 1-905-475-6222 China: 86-400-820-6015
specified. Values in brackets Specifications subject Mexico: 52-55-1106-0800 Japan: 81-44-844-8013
te.com are metric equivalents. to change. L. & S. America: 54-11-4733-2200 UK: 44-800-267-666
AMPMODU Reeled Breakaway Headers
Reeled Breakaway Headers
TE now offers AMPMODU
reeled breakaway headers,
which are used for board-
to-board interconnections,
on a continuous reel. The
reeled breakaway headers
are an economy version of
the standard breakaway
headers, and continue to
provide the same high
quality standards that
TE is known for in the
connector industry.
Reeled breakaway headers
provide the flexibility to cut
the headers to many
different lengths, while only
having to stock one part
number. As a result, the
amount of part numbers that
need to be purchased and
stored can be greatly
Reeled breakaway headers
can be purchased in single
and double rows with tin,
5 Au, 15 Au, and 30 Au
duplex plating. The lower
applied cost also offers
.230" and .318" mating
lengths. (See standard
breakaway-to-reeled header
conversion chart for vertical
headers on the reverse side
of this sheet)
Potential industries include:
computer peripherals,
equipment, consumer,
automotive, medical and
test equipment.
Tooling available from:
Robo-Pak, Inc.
814 Lakeshore Drive
East Bethel, MN 55902
A pin retention and pin
removal tooling option is
also available in addition to
Features of Breakaway
■ Design and inventory
versatility — headers can
easily be made into a variety
of sizes
■ H
igh Temperature
■ Reduced part number base
■ Reduced inventory burden
■ Desktops & workstations
■ Set-top boxes
■ Televisions
■ Automotive instrument
panels & radios
■ Medical and test equipment
■ Off the shelf availability
■ Various header length
capability using the same
■ Reduction of inventory costs
■ Economy version of the
standard breakaway headers
AMPMODU Interconnection System