1307819 Dimensions are in inches and Dimensions are shown for USA: 1-800-522-6752 Germany: 49-6251-133-1999
CIS WR 08/2011 millimeters unless otherwise reference purposes only. Canada: 1-905-475-6222 China: 86-400-820-6015
specified. Values in brackets Specifications subject Mexico: 52-55-1106-0800 Japan: 81-44-844-8013
te.com are metric equivalents. to change. L. & S. America: 54-11-4733-2200 UK: 44-800-267-666
AMPMODU Interconnection System
Application Tooling for Compliant Pin Connectors
Application Tooling
Note: All part numbers are RoHS compliant.
System Type
Benchtop Stand-Alone Stand-Alone Stand-Alone or
Semi-Automatic Press Semi-Automatic Press Automatic Press Inline Automatic Press
Force Capability
Up to 5 Tons Up to 12 Tons Up to 6 Tons Up to 12 Tons
[44 kN] [107 kN] [53 kN] [107 kN]
Board Size Capability
Up to 18" x 24" Up to 30" x 36" Up to 30" x 36" Up to 36" x 48"
[460x610 mm] [760x915 mm] [760x915 mm] [915x1220 mm]
Please contact the Tyco Tooling Assistance Center at 1-800-722-1111 for help with choosing the correct press and tooling to meet your application needs.
See Catalog 1309329 for more information on this equipment.
ASG Servo Electric Presses
for Compliant Pin
Every TE ASG servo press
utilizes real-time force and
distance monitoring and
control. This allows the
press to identify an error
and react throughout the
press stroke. Common
problems such as PCB
holes above\below specifi-
cation and sometimes bent
pins can be detected by
monitoring both minimum
and maximum force param-
eters. Common operator
error such as improperly
placed connectors, miss-
ing\incorrect connector or
tooling can also be found
by monitoring premature or
missing force parameters.
In each case, the system
can stop during the press
cycle to avoid costly scrap
and rework.
Product Line Overview
TE offers the ASG line of
servo electric presses for
the application of compliant
in products. Systems are
available in a wide range of
pressing forces, board size
capabilities and automation
levels to meet almost any
applications requirements.
Each system utilizes a servo
electric motor with PC con-
trol. Coupled with force and
distance monitoring and
control, the entire line pro-
vides 100% quality assur-
ance in real-time with SPC
data collection capabilities.
Automatic set up and a
graphical operator interface
help provide intuitive opera-
tion to help reduce common
and costly operator errors.
Press Force Monitoring for Scrap Avoidance