D-SCE Fluid resistant heat-shrinkable wire identification sleeves
Catalog 1654227 Dimensions not italicized are Dimensions are shown for USA: 1-800-522-6752 South America: 55-11-3611-1514
Revised 04-07 in millimeters while dimensions reference purposes only. Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628
in inches are italicized. Specifications subject Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 Japan: 81-44-844-8013
www.tycoelectronics.com to change. C. America: 52-55-5-729-0425 UK: 44-141-810-8967
Heat-Shrink/Cable Markers
Heat Shrink/Cable Markers
Wire and Harness ID Products
Ordering information
Available sizes and formats
Inside diameter
Ordering D (min) d (max) Recommended
description As supplied After recovery use range
D-SCE-1K-2.4-50-<color> 2.39 0.094 0.79 0.031 0.81 - 1.90 0.032 - 0.075
D-SCE-1K-3.2-50-<color> 3.18 0.125 1.07 0.043 1.11 - 2.66 0.044 - 0.105
D-SCE-1K-4.8-50-<color> 4.75 0.187 1.57 0.063 1.75 - 4.06 0.069 - 0.160
D-SCE-1K-6.4-50-<color> 6.35 0.250 2.11 0.084 2.31 - 5.46 0.091 - 0.215
D-SCE-1K-9.5-50-<color> 9.53 0.375 3.18 0.125 3.47 - 8.12 0.137 - 0.320
D-SCE-1K-12-50-<color> 12.70 0.500 4.22 0.167 4.64 - 10.79 0.183 - 0.425
D-SCE-1K-18-50-<color> 19.05 0.750 6.35 0.250 6.99 - 16.25 0.275 - 0.640
D-SCE-1K-25-50-<color> 25.40 1.000 8.46 0.333 9.29 - 21.59 0.366 - 0.850
D-SCE-1K-38-50-<color>* 38.10 1.500 19.05 0.750 20.95 - 33.02 0.825 - 1.300
* 2:1 shrink ratio
Total width as supplied 90.18 mm (3.550 inches) including tape and carrier width.
Prescoring Perforated score to produce multiple marker sleeves from each D-SCE sleeve.
Standard Side scored
Number of prescores 1 prescore 2 prescores 3 prescores
Code S1 S2 S3
Package sizes Standard 1K - 1000 piece packages available for all D-SCE sizes
Nonstandard Larger pack sizes are available. Please contact Tyco Electronics.
Colors Standard White Yellow
Code 9 4
Nonstandard Pink Blue
Code 2L 6
Ordering information: Specify product name, pack size, sleeve size, prescore, format and color.
Ordering example: D-SCE-1K-6.4-50-S2-4