PV Polyvinyl fluoride dot matrix printable self-laminating labels
Catalog 1654227 Dimensions not italicized are Dimensions are shown for USA: 1-800-522-6752 South America: 55-11-3611-1514
Revised 04-07 in millimeters while dimensions reference purposes only. Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628
in inches are italicized. Specifications subject Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 Japan: 81-44-844-8013
www.tycoelectronics.com to change. C. America: 52-55-5-729-0425 UK: 44-141-810-8967
Self-Laminating Labels
Self-Laminating Labels
Wire and Harness ID Products
Ordering information
Available sizes and formats
Ordering Package Labels Max. Cable (A) Label (B) Label (C) Printable (D) Horizontal (E) Vertical (F) Web
description quantity across OD width height height repeat repeat width
mm inches mm
J-PV10 10,000 12 5.1 0.20 12.70 0.500 19.10 0.750 9.50 0.375 15.20 0.600 25.40 1.000 205.70 8.100
N-PV10 10,000 16 7.6 0.30 12.70 0.500 36.50 1.437 12.70 0.500 12.70 0.500 38.10 1.500 228.60 9.000
Q-PV10 10,000 9 7.6 0.30 19.10 0.750 44.50 1.750 12.70 0.500 22.90 0.900 50.80 2.000 227.30 8.950
A-PV10 10,000 6 7.6 0.30 20.30 0.800 36.50 1.437 12.70 0.500 22.90 0.900 38.10 1.500 160.00 6.300
O-PV10 10,000 8 7.6 0.30 25.40 1.000 36.50 1.437 12.70 0.500 25.40 1.000 38.10 1.500 228.60 9.000
R-PV5 5,000 8 12.2 0.48 25.40 1.000 57.20 2.250 19.10 0.750 25.40 1.000 63.50 2.500 228.60 9.000
T-PV2.5 2,500 8 22.4 0.88 25.40 1.000 95.30 3.750 25.40 1.000 25.40 1.000 101.60 4.000 228.60 9.000
W1-PV1 1,000 8 35.6 1.40 25.40 1.000 150.90 5.940 38.10 1.500 25.40 1.000 152.40 6.000 228.60 9.000
D1-PV1 1,000 7 35.6 1.40 25.40 1.000 188.90 7.437 38.10 1.500 27.90 1.100 190.50 7.500 218.40 8.600
C1-PV2.5 2,500 3 12.2 0.48 48.30 1.900 81.00 3.190 19.10 0.750 50.80 2.000 88.90 3.500 175.30 6.900
P-PV5 5,000 4 7.6 0.30 50.80 2.000 36.50 1.437 12.70 0.500 50.80 2.000 38.10 1.500 228.60 9.000
S-PV2.5 2,500 4 12.2 0.48 50.80 2.000 57.20 2.250 19.10 0.750 50.80 2.000 63.50 2.500 228.60 9.000
U-PV2.5 2,500 4 22.4 0.88 50.80 2.000 95.30 3.750 25.40 1.000 50.80 2.000 101.60 4.000 228.60 9.000
W2-PV1 1,000 3 48.3 1.90 50.80 2.000 150.90 5.940 38.10 1.500 53.30 2.100 152.40 6.000 182.90 7.200
D3-PV1 1,000 3 48.3 1.90 50.80 2.000 188.90 7.437 38.10 1.500 55.90 2.200 190.50 7.500 188.00 7.400
Colors Standard White with clear tail